“Truths about the fairer sex?” Jax laughed as he slapped the wheel gently. “We better be drinking with someone more knowledgeable than the two of us.” He smiled to the Captain wondering about his boldness in that regard. Could be man has had endless lists of fair maids he left in port after port. But there was something about how his ship and his crew came first that made Jax believe he was not a grand womanizer. Still, he didn’t know for sure. “But the riggins?” He let his eyes dart up the rope of the main sail. “That’s something we know some truths about. And now that you mention it,” He looked back to Thomas, “It’s been some time since I climbed. How about we forget the truths we most likely we will never know and go instead for the thrill of the riggings. Tonight, or when ever we have a calm minute.” Jax took a minute to watch the First Mate march off with the now dismantled Ms Greene. Just like the rest of the men on deck crew he watched them both make ways to the cabin. “And just because we are gaming men. Let’s put a spin on the fun.” Jax turned slowly from the scene on deck to look to the Captain. “When you are able, when the winds are right, we’ll sprint up those rope. The first one to the top gets to hear the tales of the night after the garden party, last night, from the other while he drinks the kill devil.” Jax smiled liking his offer. Could be the Captain couldn’t play that sort of game. Could be he has to hold the firm spot of no slips of roles and little fun while at sail. Could be the First Mate would not approve. But, all that was not so much Jax’s concern. If the man denied the challenge then Jax would understand. Jax just wanted Lightfoot to know there were ways to still feel those tiny moments of the past funs. Jax glanced to the place on the deck where Nicki had just been. Yes, he wanted to show the same to her. Yet that was most likely impossible. So instead he could just remember the times he ran the ropes. Maybe help Thomas Lightfoot as well.