[center][b]Alexander Mond[/b][/center] The constant typing of keys could be heard resonating in Alex's room. It turns out that even online colleges have deadlines, and Alex was up late yet again finishing a paper. Moonlight bathed his desk in a pale light, his fingers methodically clacking against the keyboard, his eyes half closed. He paused from his work for a moment to take a sip of coffee, and stretch his back. Stepping away from his desk he walked over to the window and threw open the blinds. For some reason he really wanted to look at the moon, almost like he was compelled to. Suddenly the room began to spin, and with the sensation of falling the entire room went black. When Alex woke up he was laying on the floor in his room, the moon still hanging heavy in the sky. He stood up and looked up at the large pale orb, a smile spreading across his face. He had always felt attached to this celestial body, and felt more comfortable at night. It was all so clear now. Alex threw open his windows and took a deep breath, the cool night air rushing in and embracing him. This was his element, his domain. While he was unconscious he had received visions, of the past and of the moon, but there was one of the future. This was the one that interested him. He saw a woman, practicing what appeared to be fencing with some sort of training dummy. She didn't know it but her and Alex were going to become very well acquainted. He walked to his closet and threw on some jeans and his favorite blue sweater and threw some extra clothes in a backpack, along with his laptop and a few other essentials. It would be a long while before he got to the woman, but he had to start sometime. He walked out his front door, and looked up at the sky, all of the endless stars. Alex debated on calling a cab, but decided against it. He would walk til daybreak, and then call one. Sliding his hand into his pockets he began walking down the street, in the direction of the person who would become his chosen warrior.