[hider=CS]Name: Soren DarkStorm Concept: Surprisingly Friendly Cyromancer Role: Villain/Dungeon Keeper Age: 16 Sex and Orientation: Male and likes the ladies. (Thinks he's a ladies man...) Appearance: [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m88y9tadVU1ryntt3o1_500.png]Soren[/url] Personality: Soren is in fact pretty friendly for a villain. When he isn't freezing Heros solid he is often seen smiling and laughing. Easy to talk to and more than willing to work as a team rather than solo. Is intensely interested in tactics and fortress building he is more than happy to spend his days building the ultimate dungeon. Dislikes being to warm as he was raised in a cold climate. Also, his personality tends flip whenever his mother is insulted turning him into a heartless killer. Background: After basically being abandoned by his mother who was an infamous Ice Mage he spent his days studying in the large tower his mother and him called home. After studying he would often go to visit a near by town and play with other kids his age. Being naturally charming he easily made friends. Now that he knows his mother is dead he has chosen to follow in her footsteps. For even if she was a cold and distant mother she still deeply cared for him and wanted what was best for him. Skills: Excels at all types of ice based magic, though specifically in Ice construction. Being able to make anything from swords of ice to massive ice walls. What he can't do is any fire magic and only the most basic of other normal spells. Equipment: Basic magic robes, A tome of extremely high level ice magic spells, a medium length dagger with a silver blade, a bag he carries over one shoulder that he uses to carry his things, and a gauntlet for his right hand and fore arm that his mother had made for him. Parent: [url=http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss130/Evilvixen05/RP%20story%20pics/TheSorceress-1.gif]Shiveria DarkStorm[/url] the IceWind Cyromancer of the North. A cold, cruel and powerful women. Soren's relationship with her was very distant as she spent the majority of her time on her work as a villain. However she did always send him money and things from dead heros and villages. Due to this Soren Idolized his mother and hopes to follow in her footsteps as the greatest Cyromancer of all time. Inheritance: Soren not only got the Shard from his mother, but with her letter and the Shard he also was given an extremely powerful tool his mother had spent her entire life creating. [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/005/e/6/magic_gauntlet_by_haardod-d5qiyu9.jpg]The Gauntlet[/url] she was able to make out of Cold Steel was then infused with ice magic everyday of her life. Now almost twenty years later it looks to be made entirely of ice. When Soren wears the gauntlet on his right arm his ice magic becomes much stronger and easier to wield allowing him to use very little magic to make things such as an ice sword or a small storm of ice shards, where as larger spells are simply faster and easier to cast. Notes: Carries a large bag of hard candies and often hands them out to others. Also, is often found whistling or humming as he works on his ice constructs.[/hider] Hope you like Soren.