Alright so this is the OOC and I'll start putting stuff from the interest check to here. [url=]Interest Check[/url] Plot Outline: A mysterious client (NPC, will be known as The Client in the RP) has asked you to do a extremely dangerous job, he has promised a large credit reward or provided a reason for you to do this job, and has given you a large advance payment. You have gone to the designated building on Illium (all in different ways) and you begin your rp. (You don't know you're working in a team.) [b]People[/b] [hider="Ghost"]Name: Micheal "Ghost" Linn Gender: Male Appearance: Until I find a picture more suitable, imagine this guy but with shorter hair For now Armor (without Cerberus icon) Class: Infiltrator Biography: Micheal was born into a C-Sec family on the Citadel, his parents both worked for C-Sec as part of Investigation Branch. Micheal had always wanted to become a C-Sec officer from when he was a little boy. Starting from 15, his parents started training him as he requested. When he turned 18, his parents were killed along with 8 other C-Sec officers by a rogue C-Sec officer working for the Blue Suns planning to detonate a bomb in C-Sec HQ, the rogue agent was never caught and the case was closed and covered up (only a select outside of authority know). Micheal immediately lost faith in C-Sec and started his hatred of gangs and mercs, he started to believe that the only person who could do justice were people like himself. For 2 years he was hitting small gangs and other illegal activities, using his parents training and his own ever-increasing pile of experience. After two years of hitting small time crime and mini-gangs he decided to hit bigger. There was an illegal deal going on between the Eclipse and the Blue Suns, he thought that if he could take them out, it would cripple the gangs somewhat (it wouldn't, he's just delusional at this point). But then he saw a 3 man team assault them and destroy the weapons. Micheal began obsessing with them, trying to join them, he planned to get the Archangel's group's attention by hitting another deal this time Blood Pack and some other gang. He began preparing, but when the time came, he was caught by the blood pack before he even fired. Thinking he overstepped his boundaries and accepting he was a bit delusional, he began apologizing to his parents in his mind. But when they were about to shoot, they were killed. One by one they dropped and before Micheal could comprehend what had happened, he was freed. He thought that he had actually gained the attention of Archangel, he didn't. It was a merc that he had never seen before, "Seems like you want to make a difference, but you're going about it wrong. I'm Ghost, do you really want to make a difference?" These words were etched into his head while training with this mysterious merc Ghost for 6 years, using his parents training and Ghost's training. They moved from Omega to Illium and started cleansing the streets of crime. They got rid of corruption and gang-related activity until one day. They were ambushed, they killed every one of their assailants but Ghost was fatally injured. "You've improved immensely since that day, continue our work." From there on Micheal became Ghost and began his campaign. After two years since becoming Ghost, Micheal got a mysterious invite, it promised that he could hit harder than he ever could before and it promised a large credit reward. "Let's do it." Notable Achievements: Spent 8 years with or without Ghost hitting corrupt corporations, gangs, etc, Is thoroughly experienced in the merc and hunters craft, defeated an entire elite kill-team handpicked by the corporations gunning for him and Ghost. Equipment: A sword capable of slashing through shields and most armor A pair of modified M-4 Shurikens SM guns that have been modified to be able to switch from burst fire, to single fire. A M-97 Viper sniper rifle. Personality: Micheal is a very kind person, he always have been. He is also has a strong sense of justice, which goes which goes hand in hand with his kindness. Before he went merc/Ghost, he was a outgoing and kind person, this all changed after his parents died. He became frustrated and rage-filled, never kind to anyone, always wanting to kill all and any members of the Blue Suns, Eclipse, anything. After meeting Ghost, he began to calm down and retain his old personality.[/hider] [hider=Urdnot Raze]Name: Urdnot Raze Gender: Male Appearance: (In the Interest Check) Class:Battlemaster Biography: Raze won his first fight by being born over four hundred years ago to a small Urdnot clan shortly after the Krogan Rebellion, merely by being one of the few who managed to beat the Genophage. His father was one of the youngest clan leaders of all time, one who wished to lead the Krogan into a dedicated breeding program. His father's radical thinking didn't earn him any allies amongst the Krogan though, who would have rather to perpetuate the pointless warfare they were currently involved in. Amongst his fathers detractors was his very own grandfather, Urdnot Jarrod. Jarrod arranged a Crush, a meeting of tribes upon neutral ground, were he then attempted to murder Raze's father, who managed to escape after killing Jarrod. This all happened while Raze was still a baby, but these actions would shape the rest of his life. As he grew he was constantly harassed by other Krogan for the weakness of his father, who in their eyes had fled a fight, even if he had killed his enemy. The constant fighting did no more than prove that Raze would one day be a powerful warrior, as he never backed down and rarely lost, even to older and larger Krogan. Eventually he was old enough to war proper, and began to take part in the ceaseless battles that Tuchannka is so well known for. Although he excelled at it fighting, the constant and senseless killing of his fellow Krogan began to wear thin of Raze. Knowing the reaction his father had received when he tried to help his race change, Raze instead decided to just leave them to their destruction. He boarded the next ship off of his planet. He spent the next three centuries flitting across the stars, taking on work as a bodyguard, mercenary, soldier of fortune, and bounty hunter, earning himself a name as a Krogan who could get things done, as loud or as quiet as the employer desired. He's fought just about every species there is to fight across the universe, and has yet to find anyone who can really challenge him. Notable Achievements: Survived the Genophage, an achievement in itself. Spent centuries battling across Tuchannka, then the universe. Has single handedly killed a Thresher Maw that was harassing a Turian colony and defeated an Asari commando unit that was hunting a narcotics dealer. Served as Aria T'Loak's bodyguard for several years, a job which seen him doing some very questionable acts. Equipment: M-15 Vindicator & the M-22 Eviscerator Personality: Though he has a terrible temper and a blunt personality Raze tries to keep himself under control, knowing that the unfocused and aggressive tendencies of his people are what have brought them so low. While an absolute physical terror on the battlefield he is far more intelligent than his brutish appearance would dictate, having a sharp mind and a deep cunning. While he is predominantly a Krogan who works alone he can work well with others, if they hold themselves to the same professional standards he does.[/hider] [hider=Kali, the Huntress]Name: Dorea "Kali" Y'varti Age: 200 Race: Asari Gender: N/A Class: Vanguard Appearance: (don't have it, you're gonna have to check IC) Wears distinctive red lip-stick and possesses a red dot tattoo along with an Eclipse tattoo on her back, her Commando Unit tattoo on her shoulder, and a heart with the name "Galia" in it over her heart. Also possesses a Fornax cover girl tramp stamp. A bright silver wedding band with an azure diamond hangs around her neck. Has blue accents instead of black and has a crimson kerchief wrapped around the neck. Several asari combat honors adorn the upper left-side of the breast-plate and an image of an asari frigate underscored by the word "Cerulean" adorns the right shoulder-plate. Her personal emblem, the visage of the Hindu goddess Kali in the shape of an Asari graces her left shoulder plate. Her suit can produce and retract a white-eyed recon hood. Biography: Dorea was born on Thessia to a wealthy Serrice Council executive and a Turian Officer. She was the youngest of five siblings and the wildest. Where her sisters were prim and proper, she was blunt and daring. She was not made to be a proper society lady and often struck out on adventures and made friends with "undesirables", missing studies and breaking various rules. Her mother disapproved of her maverick nature but her father was not the conventional Turian and recognized a fighter's spirit. Her father and her had a close personal connection, he often regaled her with his exploits as an elite member of the 26th Armiger Legion. Dorea was fascinated by his tales of adventure, glory, and valor and of the long military history his family had been involved in. She was quite surprised when he revealed that he had met her mother when she was an Asari Huntress and that they had fought in many battles together before developing their relationship. Her mother had been a vaunted Huntress before she became a matron and settled in to the wealthy family business and married her father. Dorea made up her mind at that young age that she would make her parents proud by becoming a Huntress. Her mother was not pleased with the suggestion but her father convinced her to allow Dorea to enter commando training. She accelerated through training and even was taught private lessons by her father in strategy, marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. Her mother had pitched in with athletic conditioning, combat medicine and survival, and extensive biotic training. Over the decades she became a master of the art of war, particularly of melee combat where she bested every fighter in her unit. She remembers fondly the day she became a Huntress and how both her mother and father had been proud. She served for a few decades of distinguished service, often clashing with superiors due to her lack of respect for most forms of authority and her maverick nature, but delivering incredible results as part of her elite team. Her comrades and herself were responsible for destroying several mercenary bands and pirate ships along the frontier and she quickly rose up the ranks. Dorea had a best friend in the form of Galia, who had been the child of a servant in her family estate. They had gone through training together and were an inseparable pair on-and-off the field of battle, Galia with her intellectual nature and grounded personality, was a much needed foil to Dorea's hot blooded personality. Their friendship grew into a passionate love that was looked down upon by their comrades and Dorea's siblings due to the "pureblood" stigma. Dorea's parents supported the relationship and the pair had married eventually gaining the support of all their family, friends, and comrades. They planned to have children after they left the service, Galia would join the Serrice Council and Dorea would become a private security consultant. Tragedy struck when on a mission Galia and Dorea had faced a Krogan Battlemaster and his cadre. Dorea had rushed headfirst to fight the Battlemaster, ignoring orders to wait for the rest o their team. But even her prodigious skills were no match for him as he nearly killed her. Galia saved her life by attacking the Battlemaster and was mortally wounded. Dorea went into a battle rage and in a biotic fury, slaughtered the Battlemaster's squad and driven him off. Galia died in her arms while proclaiming her love. Dorea was punished severely for her actions and demoted. The Battlemaster had fled into the Terminus systems and she plead with her Superiors to pursue him but was rebuffed. In a severe depression for her part in Galia's death and disillusioned by the orders of her superiors, Dorea left the Huntresses. Soon after her father died, but on his deathbed he said that he would always be proud of her and that she should do what she thought was right. After his funeral, Dorea left Thessia, buying a shuttle and making her way to the Terminus. Dorea soon joined Eclipse under the impression the organization was legitimate and would help her with her mission and accept her maverick personality. She rose through the ranks quickly by completing various missions targeting vicious mercenaries. But she encountered the brutal and cruel nature of her organization when she was sent into Omega and discovered their drug smuggling trade. She might have not followed the rules but she was no monster. She left the Eclipse and became a freelancer, taking contracts that appealed to the sense of justice and honor ingrained into her by her father and the Huntresses. She had a very busy career over the next decade, working for many individuals and groups all across the galaxy while making a name for herself as a tough fighter but a trustworthy one. She experienced many new things, saw many new sights, experienced more than her fair share of illicit drugs, and slept with many people, though her heart still belonged to Galia. Dorea never quit looking for the Battlemaster, until one day as payment for a job, Aria T'Loak informed her of the Battlemaster's whereabouts and offered a contract to take him out as he was encroaching on Aria's operations. She accepted and joined a crew of other Mercs to take down the Battlemaster. The battle was vicious and many died on both sides. But Dorea cornered the Battlemaster and engaged him in single combat. It was one of the toughest fights of her life and she had almost died again, but with her cunning, skill, experience, and grace she won the day and killed the Battlemaster. She took his knife, the same blade that wounded her and killed Galia, and completed her mission. Now she decided to continue her life as a mercenary, but to right wrongs, protect the innocent, and fight the cruel and wicked wherever she could find them. She knew that there were degrees of crime and that she was no innocent herself, ignoring petty victimless crimes and focusing on the pirates and slavers that plagued the Terminus. She accepted all kinds of bounties to track down the worst the galaxy had to offer and often had to walk in a grey world, accepting these jobs from the likes of Aria and other crime bosses. Tales of Dorea's prowess started going across the Terminus. Eventually she formed a group of freelancers called the Novas, who would bring a light to the murky Terminus systems. Their ship the Cerulean was so named for Galia's skin tone. She attracted dozens of like-minded individuals and they became a force to be reckoned with as one of the most reliable and elite freelancer teams in operation as Dorea lead them through many dangerous missions and assignments but always completing their mission with minimal casualties. Dorea's reputation was such that the Alliance even hired her to fight with them on Torfan after the Skyllian Blitz. Torfan was one of the bloodiest battles Dorea had ever participated in, but she fought with a ferocity that was a beautiful nightmare to see. One of the Alliance Soldiers, a Hindu, had gone so far as to refer to her as Kali during the battle and the name caught on among the infantry. Dorea found she liked the name and the figure it was meant for. She became known as the Asari Kali, a goddess of death but not a cruel one. Kali continued her career, and even started to forgive herself for the death of Galia and started a romance with a teammate. Her newfound happiness was short-lived when the Cerulean pursued a slaving vessel after it had kidnapped a large portion of innocent colonists. The Cerulean crippled the vessel and Kali boarded it, taking out the slavers and freeing the colonists. But it had been a trap, the ship had been rigged to explode and they had been lured into the stronghold of a Slaver Baron who was a brother to one she had killed years before. The Baron's ships trapped the Cerulean and Kali was one of few to make it off the slave ship before it exploded. In the following space battle Kali and her crew managed to destroy several other vessels but they had been crippled and crash-landed on the Baron's planet. Many were killed but Kali managed to rally the survivors in a desperate battle of survival, evading the Baron's forces for months while staging guerilla attacks on his men and disrupting their operations. In a last push, Kali and the Novas assaulted the Baron's stronghold in the dead of night, and manged to infiltrate their defenses. They were betrayed, by a slave they had rescued before, and it was a massacre as the Novas made their last stand against the Baron. With Kali's leadership, they managed to survive long enough to kill the Baron and destroy his fortress. In the end, she was one of a handful of survivors and among the dead was the crew member she had begun to love, who had reminded her so much of Galia. Dorea was not a furious goddess that day, but an empty shell. She disbanded the Novas and the survivors struck out on their own. Dorea set the ruins of the Cerulean to self-destruct and let it be the funeral pyre for her friends and comrades. Dorea found a ship and made her way back to Omega where she disappeared on a depression-driven bender for several months before emerging. She made a promise to herself that she would not stop living and to honor the memories of the ones she loved by continuing her journey. Now with little more than the clothes on her back and the weapons at hand, Dorea Y'vanti, Kali of the Terminus, will fight her way back to the top. Notable Achievements: Best hand-to-hand combatant in her old commando unit, captured a dozen dangerous criminals who would become Purgatory inmates, successfully protected a Terminus colony and destroyed a Batarian Slaver Baron and his extensive operation in a three-month guerrilla campaign, participated in various battlefields such as Garvug, Anhur, and Teatrus, fought on Torfan as a contractor for the Alliance, former captain of the successful independent mercenary group the Novas and their ship the Cerulean. Killed a Krogan Battlemaster in single combat and has consistently ranked in the top 100 at the Pinnacle Station. Has completed contracts for Aria T'Loak, Elanus Risk Control Services, the Shadow Broker, Donovan Hock, Elias Kelham, several corporations including Binary Helix, and various governments just to name a few. Her handful of appearances on Fornax are among the most highly downloaded in history. Equipment: Disciple Shotgun with attached combat blade that she names "Lenia", Tempest SMG with recoil dampener and high-velocity barrel, Savant biotic amp, several smaller-sized grenades from non-lethal flashbangs to incendiaries, a hand-crafted Asari combat axe, a large krogan-make machete, two collapsible electro-batons that can be combined into a staff, and several knives and blades hidden within pocket compartments and several other places. Her armor features a form-fitting undersuit and the plates were all custom-made to fit her and allow a high degree of mobility while retaining fair protection. Personality: Dorea is above all an adventurous soul, she seeks to live her long life to the fullest and possesses an innate curiosity and yearning to discover and experience new things. She considers herself a people person and often attempts to engage in conversation with no concern about seeming eccentric She is hard-headed and once her mind is set she is incredibly difficult if not impossible to dissuade. Dorea loves excitement and thrills, partying hard and fighting harder. Like many maidens she has an innate sensuality but is considered borderline vulgar even among her peers. She likes to joke and is flippant in the face of danger. Dorea has a casual disregard for most social conventions and laws but has a solid personal code and sense of justice, protecting the relative innocents she encounters in her line of work to the best of her ability. Despite her sunny disposition she possesses a keen tactical mind and is adept at taking the measure of people at first glance. She has a quick wit and a startling cunning under her pretty face and in the heat of battle, she is ruthless, efficient, and graceful. She is a fighter to the bone and will never waver from a worthy task no matter the physical or psychological toll it takes on her but she protects those she considers friends with fierce loyalty.[/hider] [hider=Alexa Pearce]Name: Alexa Pearce Gender: Female Age: 34 Appearance: Alexa [+] Armor (Without N7 Markings) [+] Class: Adept Biography: Born on Omega, Alexa was raised by a single, abusive father. The first decade of her life is marred by relentless beatings and psychologically damaging verbal abuse. Her father would often come home high or drunk, wasting his money away at bars or on drugs. When Alexa turned 13, her father essentially began selling her to make a living. For three years, she was a slave to the highest bidder, completely subjected to the will of whoever paid her father the most. At some point, Alexa found herself sold to members of the Eclipse, who recognized her inert biotic ability and began training her as a biotic assassin. They took advantage of her fragile mental state, a result of her horrific upbringing. Alexa’s biotic talents were honed by the strongest asari biotics, and she was given firearms training by Eclipse kill squads. Her physical training was geared towards flexibility and agility, rather than outright strength. Her work began when she was 23. As an assassin, Alexa was typically hired out for high-profile, gruesome kills, often only attainable by a biotic show of force. As this style went against the Eclipse’s typical modus operandi, Alexa was an unofficial member of the Eclipse: she wasn’t allowed to publicly align with them, but received all the benefits of being Eclipse. After several years of working with the Eclipse, Alexa eventually decided to go independent at 26. She cut ties with the Eclipse, disappearing completely for a year in order to evade their wrath. When she resurfaced, Alexa had to redevelop her reputation from scratch, as her entire career had been totally dependent on the support of the Eclipse. She based her solo operations out of Omega. Many of her initial contracts were involved in small-time gang warfare. By the time she was 28, Alexa’s high-profile style of killing attracted the attention of all the big players on Omega: the Suns, the Eclipse, the Blood Pack, and even Aria herself. Alexa found herself being forced to align once more with one of the major organizations, or face the wrath of just about anyone and everyone she had pissed off on her way to success. In the interest of self-preservation, Alexa signed up with Aria. It was the most logical step. She wanted to live peacefully on Omega, so she began working for Omega’s Queen herself. Her work shifted slightly from assassination to intimidation. Alexa worked directly for Aria during this time, earning a reputation on Omega as “Aria’s Fist.” Upon receiving the invite from the enigmatic “Client,” as he or she went by, Alexa immediately consulted with Aria. Intrigued by the invitation, as well as the exorbitant advance payment, Aria allowed Alexa to accept the job offer, though Alexa remains completely loyal to Omega and, most importantly, Aria. Notable Achievements: Directly involved in a series of killings over the past eleven years, enjoying around a 90% success rate with little unnecessary collateral damage. Alexa’s work for Eclipse was often political in nature, and had heavy repercussions and consequences. Her assassinations during this time often had a direct influence on the balance of power in the Terminus Systems. Her independent work was entirely based on Omega. These killings ranged from small time gang warfare to direct blows between the major mercenary groups. This attracted much unwanted attention and forced Alexa to align with Aria T’Loak. The killings for Aria cemented Aria’s dominance on Omega. Similar to her work for Eclipse, but intensely focused on the balance of power in Aria’s favor on Omega, rather than the Terminus Systems as a whole. Equipment: Kassa Model 12 Locust with an attached scope for longer ranged firefights, and two M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannons for close quarters in case her biotics fail her. Personality: Alexa is often cold and impersonal, refusing to maintain or develop personal relationships with people unless out of necessity. Although she doesn’t play well with others, Alexa is still an effective team player and understands the meaning of co-operation, but her aloofness often gives off the impression that she doesn’t really care about much beyond herself. However, her lack of personal connection does not mean she is morally or emotionally skewed. Alexa has full understanding of the difference between right and wrong, and is still able to feel remorseful over her actions. In other words, although her social skills need a lot of work, Alexa fully understands the lasting impact of her actions, morally and emotionally.[/hider] [hider=Arlius]Name: Arlius Lebravia Gender: Female Appearance: (In Interest Check) Class: Tech Specialist Biography: Arlius grew up on a small colony on Palaven’s and lived with her poor family. Her family had one military issued computer and when her father was killed in battle, her family was out of options. They were living off what little money they could get together. Her mother was too busy caring for her younger siblings to return to the military. Arlius kept the computer even though it was no longer legally her families. She spent everyday on the computer. At age thirteen she was well endowed in computer programming. Arlius found odd jobs in computer programming that she completed to keep her family afloat. But it was not enough. Arlius started stealing from the rich and using the funds to support her family. She once stole from a rude primarch, she hid it as a tax and slowly drained his account over a period of time. She had about fifty people paying taxes to her family unaware. Eventually the military tracked down Arlius and her family, she admitted to all her crimes but quickly ran before she could be brought to justice. She began her journey of being a merch as she fled to Omega. Arlius knew she would not be as thoroughly searched for on Omega. Her computer programming skills were not as much needed on Omega. She began to invent new kinds of weapons. Arlius was able to invent a new more improved weapons with greater firepower and more thermal clips. She even invented one that locks onto their targets, but it need a heart monitor therefore it was never sold on the streets. Arlius was living life good until she was contacted by The Client with a job proposal. One that would push her tech skills to the limit, and how could she pass that up? Equipment: Her own white omni-tool. It has been built and upgraded all by Arlius. It is hard for anyone who is not as tech savvy to use because of the way it is designed which is why she has never made another. An extremely powerful pistol with a moderate amount of ammo. It is her own design and has only been given to merch leaders. It is white with blue detail and includes a silencer. Notable Achievements: Arlius is an expert, and self taught, hacker. She can bust through almost any firewall without a single drop of sweat. She has stolen large amounts of cash from many powerful and wealthy people. She is a fantastic programmer and spent many years programming military electronics. Arlius is also a fantastic inventor. She has a knack for weapons and loves to challenge herself with bigger and better designs. Arlius enjoyed many years of creating weapons for large merch gangs that of course she doesn’t reveal for safety precautions. Personality: Arlius is awkward and doesn’t enjoy talking. She has never been one to stand out in the crowd. Arlius likes to keep to herself and most people wouldn’t know that she even was a thief or that she supplied to merchs based off of her appearance or personality. She only fits in Omega because the merchs know her and are aware of her skills. She may not be too skilled with a weapon, but if her bullet hit you it wouldn’t even matter. [/hider] [hider=Kerr'Shal nar Lysin]Name: Kerr'Shal nar Lysin Gender: Male Appearance: (In Interest Check) Class: Sentinel (I believe this is the class that dropped?) Biography: Before even leaving the womb, Kerr'Shal stood out from other quarians, and not in an entirely good way. When his mother was still pregnant with him, an accident with the ship's drive core caused an explosion which also released dust-form eezo into the ship's atmosphere. While the incident killed Kerr'Shal's mother and ruptured her enviro-suit, the infant miraculously survived long enough to be extracted prematurely and nursed back to health in one of the liveships' medbays. Sure enough, as the young Kerr'Shal developed, he became one of the very few quarian biotics. Some considered his abilities to be an asset, but others thought it was dangerous to have a biotic aboard, and only wanted him gone. His biotic abilities were not the only way in which Kerr'Shal was different from other quarians. While many feared and hated the geth for the Morning War, Kerr'Shal found it difficult to harbor such feelings. Despite being told stories of the geth's atrocities and how they would inevitably kill off all remaining quarians if given the chance, Kerr'Shal remained skeptical. His opinions that the geth had acted as rational, self-interested beings, and did not deserve extermination or even any kind of retaliation from the quarians, found him ostracized by others on board his ship. The crew of his ship was relieved when he finally grew old enough to embark on his pilgrimage, and so was Kerr'Shal, as he had found his own people to be rather less than comfortable to live with. Having now traveled on his "pilgrimage" for over fifteen years, Kerr'Shal has somehow yet to find an item suitable of returning to the Migrant Fleet. If he has it his way, he likely never will. Notable Achievements: Kerr'Shal's life aboard the Migrant Fleet was more than enough to grant him familiarity with tech-centered skills, which he has used in combination with his biotics to devastating effect as a mercenary. He has both fought for, and against, nearly every mercenary group to pass through Omega at one point or another, creating both piles of bodies and piles of enemies. At one point, he was ambushed by a Mantis gunship in an assassination attempt, which he proceeded to bring down with only his omni-tool and his biotic capabilities. Kerr'Shal has since fled Omega due to the owner of said Mantis forcing him to sleep with one eye open, but he's still highly sought after as hired security on freighters and other vulnerable commercial vessels. He refuses to work with pirates, and has personally set explosives on and destroyed several pirate vessels while protecting his clients. Equipment: Serrice Council Savant-model Omni-Tool Armali Council Prodigy-line Bio-Amp Quarian arc pistol M-9 Tempest SMG Cain trip mines, flashbang grenades, standard frag grenades, medi-gel packs; several of each Personality: A total lone wolf, Kerr'Shal.... nah just kidding. Kerr'Shal has learned how to work together with others, even those he dislikes; it was a matter of necessity when living with the Migrant Fleet, and it's a skill that has served him well as a mercenary. He cares little for the morality of his actions or those of his comrades, though he neither enjoys nor condones inflicting more harm than necessary to get the job done. Kerr'Shal tends to be reserved when interacting with others outside of a mission or job, but he does have an interest in the other cultures of the galaxy and enjoys learning more about them, believing that his own race is backwards and foolish for still living aboard spaceships.[/hider]