Boris had launched himself into an internal debate. Should he trust this person that for all he knows is an undercover cop or should he take a risk that could very well make him rich? If the authorities had the ability to contact him, they also most likely could arrest him anyway though. Either way, he was in a bad position. If someone he doesn't know and nobody that he knows know either, than how secure is he? His computer speaker startled him with the sound of an incoming message. It stated that there was an IP address that she wanted him to connect to, it would have the reason he was being contracted. There would be another person connected to the server. If nothing else, he would check the IP Address, see what was hosted, and leave. He made sure he was secure, using both an onion network and a VPN to make him anonymous, as well as spoofing a MAC address to make sure he wouldn't be tracked. He checked the ports on the IP to see what all it had on it. Lo and behold there was another person connected to the network, it was just as he was told. The only thing there was an FTP server. He connected to it and got access to the server, there was no authentication needed. There was only one file on it. With his curiosity peaked, he downloaded the file.