[hider=CS]Name: Cedric Robin Cooper Concept: “You must accept me as I am!” Role: Villain/Dungeon Keeper Age: 16 Sex and Orientation: Sex: Male, Gender: Agender, Orientation: Pan-romantic asexual Appearance: [hider2=Picture][img=http://theninjagang.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/yatogami-kuroh-sad-scene.png] [/hider2] Personality: Robin may act calm and serious. One could almost think that ze has no feelings at all. That’s not really the case but others may see this only if they get Robin to talk about something ze has passionate feelings about. Otherwise, ze is pretty indifferent towards everything. If you want Robin to start talking, say something, anything, about genders. You instantly get a firm passionate opinion about how this society revolves too much around genders. If you don’t manage to stop zir, ze may broaden the subject to prejudices in general. Robin thinks that people should be valued by their actions and words only. Ze isn’t really wrong about this, but tends to go overboard. Ze hides zir sex by wearing rather shapeless and covering clothing and using zir second name because it’s unisex, and gets instantly mad if someone dares to ask whether ze is a boy or a girl because “can’t see why it matters”. Robin is almost obsessed by the idea of being a person who ze is and being accepted as such. Ze wants to find a place where ze belongs and where is someone who loves zir. Obliviously, it’s not easy for you to find love if you’re asexual and don’t even reveal your sex, plus you act serious and somewhat distant and to the top of all, are pretty obvious to flirting because you think no one would be interested in you. Thus Robin often feels lonely and misunderstood. Ze dreams about changing the world to a place where ze would be accepted, though because of zir tendencies to go overboard, a world created by zir wouldn’t probably be that great place. Robin absolutely loves fantasy books and about everything else which resembles it at all. Paranormal love and “Adventure-Horror” (I don’t know what stuff like Vampirates and Skulduggery Pleasant should be called) are close to zir hear as well. Background: Robin’s mother was always far away. She used to call zir once a month and that was pretty much all the connection they had. She never told Robin about zir father, even though ze started every call by asking it. They talked only about things like weather and boring news. Sometimes the mother mentioned something about some enemy she had defeated or a spell she had learned but never gave Robin a proper explanation about what she did. She rarely asked Robin about zir life. The fact that she didn’t know about ze being agender tells something. Robin never had a firm home. Ze was handed from relatives to more distant relatives and their distant relatives, because everyone could keep zir only until ze found another place to stay. People ze lived with were usually nice but zir terms with them were always distant. When Robin was small ze used to dream, that zir father was some sort of a king and ze wasn’t told zir heritage to keep zir safe. Ze knew that it was a foolish dream but couldn’t really come up with anything else, until one time when ze was talking with zir mother when ze was 13. “Hi mom.” “Hi Robin.” “Mom, who my father is?” “The weather has been nice there lately, hasn’t it?” “Mom?” “What Robin?” “Could it be that you don’t know who my father is?” There was a long silence and Robin knew ze was right. That was the last time they talked. The mother tried to call Robin every month until her death, but Robin never answered. A couple of days after her death Robin started to wonder why she hadn’t called zir yet in the current month. The next day ze got a letter which told that zir mother was dead and ze was supposed to keep some sort of a world shard safe. Skills: Robin can use magic with a wizard staff ze inherited from zir mother. Ze is able in rather powerful earth magic, but because one spell takes at least fifteen seconds, mostly more, it’s not very practical in fighting unless someone is protecting zir while ze does zir spell. Robin can also use magic to little practical things, like lighting up a fire, but ze is only learning things like that. Robin rarely uses magic in fights. Instead ze uses knives, which ze sometimes throws at zir opponent. Robin has almost unnatural strength and speed and while not exceptional, good, aim. Zir Achille’s heel is defence. While ze can avoid attacks well, ze is moderately easy to hit when ze attacks because ze has no protection and unless ze takes risk and throws zir knife, ze needs to get rather close. Equipment: Robin has a wizard staff and five knives of different length. The shortest knife can be hidden in zir palm while the longest is almost like a sword. Parent: Robin’s mother was an evil wizard. As told in background, Robin and zir mother barely knew each other. Ze knows nothing about zir father, except that ze may or may not have some elfin heritage (I can change this if there are no elves in this world or an offspring of an elf and a human is impossible), as Robin has some elfin-like features including zir speed, strength and slender body. Inheritance: A staff from zir mother. It includes zir mother’s magic power, though Robin can’t yet use it properly. Notes: Robin asks people to refer zir by pronoun ze. (Ze smiled, I met zir, zir dog, this is zirs, ze can do it zirself). [/hider]