A lot of things were going on. Jackson slowly opened his eyes from the short rest he had taken, smirking once he realized that the pain from his welts had gone away. He didn't feel the ache anymore either, seeing as his calloused skin had taken so much more pain in his times as a farmer. It took a few seconds for him to stand, but when he did, the man had to brace himself against a tree as a shudder ran through his body. "Movin' so suddenly probably ain't the bes' idea..." He murmured, dooziness forcing his Texan accent to come out a bit more thicker than what it actually sounded like. As soon as the shivers stopped, he straightened back up, beginning to take in account the state of his form. The skin along his muscular torso was now littered with a series of angry red welts and scars, but none of them were bleeding, and the sea water cleansed it from any dirt - meaning that they didn't have a chance of getting infected. There was a small cut on his jaw, but nothing bad, and it had stopped bleeding as well. Other than that, he was completely fine, and he wanted to jump due to him not being injured all that much. [I]'Now...'bout them...'[/I] Jackson's eyes returned to the large group of survivors that were on the shore. There were...around seven? Eight...survivors conversing amongst themselves, seemingly asking about injuries and the location of their current island. Jackson twisted his torso left and right, attempting to garner feeling inside of his body. He needed his blood to be pumping before he attempted to do anything strenuous. After a few seconds, he felt the dull aches fade away, and his energy return. He still had a minor headache from the crash, but it wasn't anything major, and even that was slowly disappearing. Once he felt better, Jackson sighed, before running a hand through his wet hair and mentally preparing himself for potentially panicking citizens. "...Hey, name's Jack." He greeted them all, his deep voice still retaining it's Texan drawl. He coughed in his fist, "Seems like we all got banged' up pretty good."