[b]Anthony and Surge - Woods[/b] "Guess this is where we make out last stand. Were to our necks with walkers, there's no escaping" Anthony started, watching as walkers came at them from all sides. In his perspective, there was absolutely no way out of it anymore. They were outnumbered by like ten roaming dead bodies. In addition to that, they only carried one knife each - he himself a kitchen knife. By the time he stabbed the fourth walker, the knife would most likely shatter from the excess stress put into it. Surge on the other hand - and ex-soldier of so - was confident they could both get out of it. That came from a man who had a decent tactical dagger though. Unlike Anthony's, his blade would last the ten walkers, and the extras that were joining them. "All we have to do is make an opening, that way we can run out of this situation" Surge called out. Though a probable solution to their problem, it could backfire. "We've been running for about two hours and they just keep showing up. There's nowhere else to run Surge! If we can't kill all of them now, then they'll eventually catch up to us - with friends" Anthony responded, very weary of their current status. That's when the fight started. One walker jumped at Anthony, having the before-the-outbreak-firefighter evade and jam his kitchen knife into the walker's skull. At the same time, Surge killed off his own walker, protecting himself and Anthony's back. The men seemed like an army of two, but as they took down one walker, another took its place. Anthony didn't understand where they kept coming from and how they had never seen so many before. That's when it hit him. The extreme noise that came from the Haywood battle was basically a homecoming call for all walkers in the area. Due to the silence the days brought, the noise could have echoed massively. But now it seemed that Anthony and Surge were the ones dealing with all the walkers Haywood had dialed. "Keep killing them Anthony, we can do this!" Surge urged the man, killing yet another walkers. "Don't stop, all we have to do is kill enough to get out, that's all!" Surge called out yet again. Anthony stabbed his kitchen knife into the neck of a dead leg walker, failing to pierce the brain. He held back the thing with his arm, preventing his capture and possible death. But as he removed the knife, the knife itself broke off, so all he held in his hand was a handle. Unable to do anything at this point, he turned right and pushed the walker towards Surge. "Behind you!!" Anthony called out to the soldier - one who turned quickly and successfully killed the kitchen-knife-to-the-neck zombie. "Got'em! Now go! That way!" Surge yelled, telling Anthony to take the opportunity to run a certain direction that seemed rather clear. The two men rapidly ran......North? East?........well whatever, they just ran to survive. But as they ran, Anthony weary thoughts had become reality. They were running into more walkers. Yet another hoard, maybe consisting of about ten to fifteen walkers were coming their way. "Turn left!" Surge called out, but as he did, a walker appeared from behind a tree to meet him. Reacting faster than light, Surge flinched and jammed his blade through the walkers eye socket and jamming its brain. In the meantime, a walker caught up to Anthony. "Here!" Surge called out, tossing his dagger to the fireman. Anthony caught the blade and sliced the walkers face, not killing it instantly. He then proceeded by stabbing it through the side of its head, using his hands to block the arm swings. "C'mon, this way!" Surge echoed. Anthony followed, but like the many times before, walkers showed up again. "Let's go this way, there's sure to be a way out" Surge told Anthony who had stopped running and started to walk. "What the hell are you doing?" Surge told Anthony, rushing to him. "What are you doi- *cough*" "Creating a diversion" Anthony whispered into the man's ear as he pulled the tactile dagger from the man's liver. Anthony then started to run off into the distance as the blade left a trail of both walker and human blood. Surge's instant death gave Anthony the time he needed to get away. His body fell to its needs as his head bobbed up and down from the impact with the ground. Having killed a friend before, Anthony started to feel the same way he had back then. His eyes widened as he continued to run. He started to shiver a little, not from fear, but from outwitted regret. But one thing was certain..................he was now going to survive.