Jason amused himself with childish pranks for the entirety of his initial 5 minutes, but immature shenanigans always lost their luster quickly; one could only undo so many masks, spill so many drinks on so many dresses, and dance by himself for so many minutes before someone decided to kick him out. His bright aqua hair wasn't exactly subtle, and someone was bound to call him out. There were always a few party goers who didn't actually know how to let loose a little. Damn killjoys. In any case, Jason soon grew tired of forcing fun into the fete, and decided to look for it instead. He skirted the edge of the hall, examining the group and searching for anything remotely intriguing. He had heard a loud clamoring noise from one direction and moved toward it, but he seemed to meet the source halfway. Watching an intoxicated man work his way around, Jason assumed this person had been the cause. [b]"Oh would you look at that. A drunk harassing a pretty lady. How marvelously cliche. I love it," [/b] He suppressed his urge to grin at the sight, and decided to join the scene. Jason didn't exactly want to get involved immediately, so instead he started dancing his way over until he was close enough to hear their exchange. At this point he wasn't an interloper, just a dancing spectator. It didn't seem like a lot of people were dancing though, so he either had poor judgement or just liked to dance. Perhaps he just liked the attention. The music selection was appropriate for the luxurious and regal atmosphere, he noticed. Professional string players must have been hired and performing somewhere, pouring orchestral melodies into the hall. The acoustics of such a large room were not ideal, not like an actual concert hall of course, but the music still resonated beautifully, floating in the air until it eventually sweetly serenaded the attending audience. Jason danced by himself and he would look strange based of that fact alone. However, he could not help but let the music consume him, and take over his body. His sense of rhythm was on point, and he moved gracefully and fluently. It wasn't mesmerizing by any means, but years of lessons did not go to waste. Still. No amount of impressive dancing could account for his voluntary solitude in a such cooperatively based activity. Caught up in the music, Jason almost forgot to pay attention to the drama unfolding nearby. Almost. [i]“Thank you, but no thank you, could you please step back,” [/i] the damsel requested before repeating herself soon after. Jason mentally noted that she did not exactly fit the description of a damsel in distress, but he had no other alternatives regarding her title. As he pondered this a little more, he eventually grew tired of dancing without a partner, and settled for half-hearted swaying from side to side. He came to the conclusion that without some slap-provoking action, the little conflict between the damsel, dog, and drunk man could have a quite a disappointing resolution. After all, any of them could simply walk away politely. Figuring now was a good a time to join in as any, he directly walked up to the players at hand, and interjected himself into the conversation. [b]"So what's going on over here?"[/b] He inquired with a feigned casual tone. It was more of a pleasant gesture if anything since he was so obviously eavesdropping.