[b]What do you like/dislike the most about the roleplay so far?[/b] [*]The story, setting, and characters are all keeping me interested. I've had trouble with this in the past. ^^ I also like the amount of activity (good on you, Prisk, for keeping that a priority) despite the fact that I was a bit of an offender when it came to disappearing. Dislike...? Hrmmm... Kat needs a lover?[/*] [b]If you could change anything about the roleplay, what would it be?[/b] [*]More Chris Pratt.[/*] [b]What do you think about the group or someone in particular?[/b] [*]Love the group. Except for Sixsmith.[/*] [b]Do you have any general thoughts or ideas for the roleplay?[/b] [*]I like the feeling of the group being thrust into something they weren't expecting/probably weren't all the way prepared for. Them being flung into an all-out war with little to no back up and semi-vague orders/purpose is intriguing.[/*] Also, I'm sure some of you have seen something like this before but I thought I'd throw it out there as it has been helping me recently. In the spirit of questions, there are some lists floating around of questions to ask about your character. [url=http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474976908598]Something like this.[/url] So far its been pretty helpful at fleshing out Kat in my mind. Just somethin' to look at when you're bored I guess. Aaaaalso I've got a response up in the pad for you Prisk.