[center][b]Keiko Moto[/b] [i]Ready to kick some ass.[/i][/center] She zipped up the pale green flak jacket over her black, sleeveless shirt. With that done, the young woman strapped her shuriken and kunai pouches to her waistline, using the belt around her green shorts to hold them up. A tattoo of a tiger could be seen on the outside of her right thigh, barely poking out from underneath her shorts. Next came the black fingerless gloves, which she made sure fit nice and snug. Then came the boots. After lacing up the black boots, she tapped her right foot against the tile floor, testing the studded metal plate attached to the bottom of the boot. She brushed her long, red hair aside, before tying her leaf headband across the top of her forehead. Since her hair was so long, she tied it up into a pony tail to compensate a little bit. The final step: securing her blade. She tilted her head, to let her ponytail drift to the side, keeping it out of the way as she strapped her katana across her back. The silver flame on the saya was covered by the red hair once she brought her head upright again. Turning around, the young woman grinned into the reflection of her own green eyes. Keiko Moto was ready for action. --- The lobby to the Hokage's Office was where most missions were assigned. At any given time, there was a line of shinobi attending several stations that each would hand out appropriate missions. Each station consisted of a desk with a shinobi behind it and often large stacks of paper and files next to him. At this point in time, two of the stations had no attendants or papers, leaving only five stations for hopeful shinobi to take jobs. Though the large room was fairly busy, it was far from packed. On this day in particular it would seem that not many shinobi were taking missions. Though the atmosphere was professional, the ambience of the room was fairly noisy since some of the shinobi had begun conversing. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard and the two front doors swung wide open, both hitting the walls behind them. [center][b]"I'm back, bitches!"[/b][/center] All eyes in the room turned to the entrance, giving them sight of Keiko Moto, dressed in her jounin gear. She adorned a confident grin on her face as she swaggered into the room, letting the front doors slowly swing closed behind herself. The temporary silence was broken by Keiko chuckling as she walked past the line and directly to a newly opened station. The shinobi behind it, a man that appeared as young as Keiko and wore glasses, let out a groan of disdain. [b]"Keiko... I thought you were taking an extended leave to take care of your daughter,"[/b] the man said, giving her a look of irritation. Keiko's grin shifted to a smirk. [b]"I was. But Akira offered to babysit her so I could get back to working. Since it gives her something to do, I obliged. And here I am,"[/b] Keiko explained, before sitting halfway on the desk. This seemed to irritate the man even further. [b]"Well, I am sorry to inform you that we don't have any missions available of your... [i]caliber[/i],"[/b] he began, already rubbing his temple. This seemed to displease Keiko, and she crossed her arms over her chest. [b]"No fucking way. There is [i]always[/i] an A-rank mission laying around. You didn't even look through the files!"[/b] He let out a sigh, before shaking his head. [b]"I already know because I gave out the last one earlier today. But..."[/b] The man leaned back and took three files out of the desk itself, rather than from the stack of files next to him. [b]"A new team was formed. The original jounin-sensei cannot make it as he received a crippling injury yesterday from his mission. If you're up to the task, we need a sensei."[/b] Keiko brought one of her hands up to her chin and thought about it. The man chuckled a bit to himself, most likely imagining how she would even lead a team. But after a moment, Keiko shrugged and snatched the files from his hand. [b]"I'll do it."[/b] This seemed to surprise him, and he took a moment to recompose himself. [b]"R-really? Are you sure you want to lead a team?"[/b] Keiko was about to open one of the files, but suddenly shifted her gaze toward the bespectacled man. He could see as her irises changed from the vivid green to a bright red. [b]"What's wrong with me leading a team?"[/b] she asked, her voice clearly conveying that she took offense to his words. [b]"N-n-nothing, of course! It's just that I never imagined you to be the... sensei type,"[/b] the man explained, leaning back somewhat in his chair to get more space from the red-haired woman. With a scoff, Keiko looked back at the file she was opening. [b]"Then there we go. Okay listen up, Ryuichi..."[/b] Keiko began, still looking over the files. [b]"I'm gonna need you to send out a message to these kids to meet at Training Field One at... exactly ten o' clock. And I'm also gonna need a D-rank mission."[/b] The man, Ryuichi, gulped. [b]"Uh, don't you think you should give the kids a bit more time? After all, that's only in thirty minutes and this will be a bit of a sudden announcement to them..."[/b] Keiko's eyes glared at him, though she continued to face away from him and toward the files. [b]"It will be plenty of time for them to make it. Get the message out for me. If any of them are late because your messengers were late then I'll just train them on the roof of this building."[/b] The man put his elbows on the desk and leaned forward, rubbing his temples. [b]"[i]You[/i] aren't allowed to do that..."[/b] The young woman let out another scoff, before turning her eyes back to the papers. [b]"Whatever. Just send the damn messages before you piss me off."[/b] At the threat of her being angry, the man bolted upright and nodded. [b]"Yes, Keiko. They'll get the message."[/b] Her red irises changed back to the original green and a surprisingly innocent smile formed on her lips. [b]"Good."[/b] --- There was a clearing surrounded by dense forest. The green grass swayed softly from the gentle breeze. In the exact center of the training field was a large boulder, that was easily over two meters tall. The top of it was shaped [i]perfectly[/i] for someone of Keiko's height to lay down. So as she waited for her new students to arrive, that was exactly what she did. Her red ponytail hung down the side of the boulder and would move slightly with the breeze. But while she may have been laying down out of laziness and a desire to be comfortable, she was scanning over the files that the mission center had given her. Or rather: one file. The other two were nowhere to be found. And as Keiko finished reading the file, it suddenly ignited into a flame, starting from where her hands were holding it. In a matter of seconds, the file was reduced to ashes that fell on Keiko's chest. After promptly wiping them off onto the boulder, Keiko let out a sigh and propped her head slightly by putting her hands behind it. She was starting to get bored.