[center][b]Mirai Inazuma[/b][/center] The Inazuma household was awash with the sound of clanging steel and dashing feet. As it had been the previous morning. And the morning before that too. It was their ritual, to awake early, attend to their menial tasks quickly, and proceed to exercise until it was time for father and daughter to part ways. Though Raiden and Mirai went through the motions like any other day, today was in fact special. It was time for Mirai to join a team in full. Nothing they were doing marked the occasion, but Raiden was certainly glowing with pride underneath his expression of intense focus. After a while, the Inazuma's training came to an end, and there they stood, recovering from their exertion, and also in the midst of a somewhat awkward silence. [b]".....I was expecting your new Sensei's call to come sooner than this. I hope they are not of the lazy variety."[/b] Raiden began to shuffle around, not entirely sure what to do with the lull in activity. He wished to be there to confirm his daughter's departure, but the moment had yet to arrive. [b]"Very well, I shall speak. Stand at attention, Mirai."[/b] [b]"Yes, father."[/b] She stood up straight. [b]"You know that I always expect the best of you. And while the academy was no exception, now is the time for you to truly define your strength for the village, and perhaps the world to witness. It will be a long journey to reach a place of significance in the eyes of others, but I am sure you will succeed. I groomed you since birth for this very purpose. When you leave, you will make both me and your mother proud, correct, Mirai?"[/b] [b]"Yes, father!"[/b] Mirai stated with conviction. [b]"Good. Very good. Now, if only...."[/b] [b]"Excuse me, I have an urgent message for Mirai Inazuma."[/b] [b]"Perfect!"[/b] Raiden exclaimed. This was what they had been waiting for this whole time. [b]"You are to report Training Field One in....less than thirty minutes. I know it seems tight, but we couldn't exactly argue with..."[/b] [b]"Pah! Mirai could cartwheel around the Hokage Monument and back again and still make it in time. But don't do that, MIrai. Simply make your way now. Make me and your mother proud."[/b] [b]"Yes, father!"[/b] Mirai bolted out the door the moment he was finished. Her speed would carry her quickly to her destination. Upon arrival, she quickly made out the visage of the red-headed women that she assumed was her new teacher, the possibility of some bothersome trick or test aside. It seemed she was lying upon a boulder. Mirai would certainly never laze around in such a fashion, but she was not one to judge. Mirai approached and saluted the woman, stating [b]"Mirai Inazuma, ready for instructions, Sensei."[/b]