Anna was stood a little way off, looking at the buffet table and wondering how on earth somebody was supposed to hydrate themselves at this party. Surely there would be waiters, or something, out soon enough? There seemed to be trouble in all corners of the room, Anna saw a girl in a silver dress get bombarded by a boy, who barely stopped to apologise, and in several instances, she saw drinks get spilt over dresses. Aside from hoping that didn't happen to her, Anna's first thought was, where had those people gotten their drinks from? As if my magic, [b]"Drink, madame?"[/b] said a voice from behind her and she turned, taking a glass from the tray the waiter offered her and smiling her thanks. She couldn't tell if the drink was alcoholic or not, but it was sweet and it was a drink and it was what she had after. At first she didn't notice the man who had begun a conversation with Ace, it was only when Koshmarik's growls caught her attention that she turned around, able to hear him audibly over the music and chatter in the room. Ace's eyes flickered to her own, showing how uncomfortable the situation made her. In all honesty, Anna thought the man had to be a little stupid to be to bold around the dog, whose stance and demeanour made it clear that he didn't want him there. Anna was about to go over and intercept Ace when yet another party joined the conversation, another man, interrupting their exchange. At first, Anna thought that perhaps he was a friend of the one in the venetian mask, but he simply leaned in, [i]"So what's going on over here?" [/i]. Obviously, he wasn't going to be any help and she didn't want Ace getting scared away from the party. She made her way over to them, lifting her dress slightly, out of the way of peoples clumsy footwork, and inserted herself into the conversation, stepping between Ace and the man who'd initially started talking to her. [b]"Ace, would you like to go and get some food? I've not eaten all day."[/b] She said, the british on her tongue emphasising her last words. The british manners in her also made her turn and greet the two boys. [b]Oh, hello. If you'll excuse us, I have to steal away my roommate. We're positively starved."[/b]