Note: I'm not going to comment on the answers that you guys give to my questions, but rest assured that I take them in and carefully heed every word that you say. [quote=Blackwell] Also, I'm sure some of you have seen something like this before but I thought I'd throw it out there as it has been helping me recently. In the spirit of questions, there are some lists floating around of questions to ask about your character. So far its been pretty helpful at fleshing out Kat in my mind. Just somethin' to look at when you're bored I guess. Aaaaalso I've got a response up in the pad for you Prisk. [/quote] Great initiative! I've seen and use those questions before, but they totally slipped my mind this time around! I will certainly use them for Olivia! Wonderful! Keep checking the pad whenever you're on. [quote=JJ Doe] Now then, with that done, it’s time for: Questions!Prisk, how do the (enemy) tagging thing work? Can it be destroyed? Does it just shut off the moment the stagger meter is filled? Is the actual tag invisible or possibly microscopic? Cause I’d think an enemy would try to take it off or disable it if they knew they were tagged.Also, is an enemy with a full stagger meter automatically dead or technically KOed unless the player/GM specifies otherwise? [/quote] The tagging is mostly a game-device to allow our characters to know vital information about enemies. It's also a homage to abilities such as 'Scan' and 'Libra' in the Final Fantasy series. The tagger gun itself can be destroyed, but the tags themselves are pretty durable. The tags are visible, they would be the size of your typical two inch nail, however much thicker. The holographic 'tabs' that the tags display next to enemies shut down when the enemy is dead. For the sake of casual fun and the homage to Final Fantasy, the enemies won't attempt to rip the tags off—it's just a simple solution for me to logically allow you to know stuff about enemies. An enemy with a full stagger meter is either already defeated or ready to be defeated. It all depends on whether you acknowledge it or not. When and if I've crossed an enemy stagger out, anyone can finish him off. If nobody does, that enemy was already killed by whoever attacked him last. In any odd case, it's a god-modding opportunity.