[center][b]Disa Nygren CTS Enterance > Girls Dormitory > Grand Hall[/b][/center] College had never been a main objective in Disa mind. While she enjoyed learning, she loved her freedom more, and wanted to do nothing but embrace it after graduation with her best friend, Gwendolyn Finch. As childhood friends, they considered each other sisters, and when she disappeared, a part of Disa went missing as well. The beautiful brunette she had considered her best friend had ended up on that god-forsaken channel because of own meddling, and guilt had swallowed the blonde whole. Feeling responsible for her friends disappearance, she had spent most of the past month mourning, and beating herself up, and when she wasn’t locked in her room doing said things, she was obsessing over the disappearances and staying out late in the city desperate trying to ‘find’ her friend. Her health mentally and physically began to take a tole during this time, and while Disa had refused to admit it, guilt was eating her from the inside killing her slowly. If it hadn’t been for the acceptance letter, and her parents almost begging her to go to CTS, the blonde knew she wouldn’t have been here. She had her suspicions that they were responsible for her application, and Disa knew that sitting around at home wasn't going to change anything, but there was still something eating her up about the whole situation. It made her skin crawl, and her gut to twist with anxiety. College was definitely going to be a new, more challenging chapter in her life, but Disa had never been this anxious about anything, and that’s what was really worrying her. At her arrival to Euthenia, and the massive campus of CTS, the girl found herself captivated by the grounds. While the swamplands before the campus reminded her of home, CTS was unlike anything she could imagine. The lush carpet of grass was filled with different types of flowers and plants while a cobblestone path winded through the dirt splitting off in two paths, one leading straight ahead to the large stair case of the main building while the others veered off to the right towards the Dorms. With a duffle bag slung over her shoulder, and large dark green suitcase in tow, her gaze fell over the crumbling authentic building one last time before making her way to the Ivory dorm rooms. “[b]Wow…[/b]” Slack jawed, and lacking any words to describe her reaction, the blonde was blown away by the appearance of her dorm once she arrived. High ceilings, pure white walls, and a fully furnished living room surrounded her now. Running a hand over the smooth fabric of the antique looking arm chair, she eagerly stepped up to one of the two doors within the shared dorm before carefully turning the knob and peaking in to see if it had already been claimed. Upon sight, Amber orbs widened as she took in the large personal room, which to her fortune was unclaimed. Like the living quarters behind her, the bedroom was fully furnished and ready to be used while the walls were a pure white with gold framing surrounding the edge of the room. “[b]This place is incredible.[/b]” Speaking to herself in a awe-inspired tone, she closed the door behind her before throwing the duffle bag along the soft cushions of her bed, and laying her suitcase along the floor so she could begin unpacking her things. Situating her items from home around the room to make her new arrangements more comfortable, a small picture frame of her family was sat along the large dresser next to the window. Returning to her bedside a thick black binder was pulled out from one of the many pockets of her suitcase, and thrown onto the bed. Taking out each picture, Disa began to hang them on the walls with tacks, a small smile growing as each photo was added to the plain white wall. The bright white paint on the walls beside her bed and beneath her mirrors were covered now. Photo’s of her friends and family stared back at her, while serene and photogenic pictures of Neo-Louisiana were mixed in with familiar faces. It was only when she studied the pictures that her smile faltered, and her content mood dropped. While she hadn’t noticed it when she had set them up, most of the photo’s were of her and Gwen. Her smiling face stared back at the blonde as if nothing had ever happened, and as Disa stared back at her missing friend, guilt began to swarm her thoughts, and chest. Swallowing hard, as her mouth ran dry and a knot slowly began to form in her throat she quickly turned her head away, refusing to take the pictures down but also refusing to look at them. “[b]I’m sorry, Gwen.[/b]” The quiet apology to her lost friend went unheard, and all the blonde could do was move on with her day. After putting away her clothes and setting up the rest of her items, Disa was just about to tuck her suitcase and duffle bag under her bed but came to a pause when she noticed a white envelope sitting along the nightstand beside her bed. Raising an eyebrow she stared curiously down at the envelope, not noticing it before slender fingers wrapped around the thin paper, before tentatively opening it and bringing out the letter inside. Skimming over the words golden eyes slowly began to widen as she realized what the letter was entailing, and to her misfortunate, that it was going to begin within the hour. “[b]Oh no.[/b]” Checking the time, and cursing under her breath she threw the letter along the bed and hurried into the closet where her dress, and mask were waiting. Quickly opening the door, Disa found herself frozen once again, stunned by what was hanging before.“[b]Good lord..[/b]” A [url=http://www.lafemme2013outlet.com/bmz_cache/0/082198c8806b2da0f9f11eae0ae15853.image.300x400.jpg]long, white gown[/url] was before her, almost stuffed in the wardrobe as it struggled to contain the long, thick material. “[b]Am I supposed to be getting married?[/b]” Grasping the bottom of dress carefully in her hand she draped it out of the closet, letting the long white fabric splay out as she got a better look at it. The color just about matched the walls of the dorm room, and the scratchy lace material underneath made the blonde repulsed. Dropping it from her fingers and letting the fabric fall back into place along the hanger, she checked the tag on the inside of the dress and scowled harshly, “[b]Great, it’s my size too.[/b]” Letting out an exasperated sigh, amber eyes immediately locked onto an intricately designed [url=http://i.imgur.com/y87iGSI.jpg]mask[/url] sitting on one of the shelves in the wardrobe. “[b]Beautiful.[/b]” She said in a breath taken tone. The heavy gold paint on it shined brilliantly as she lifted it in her hands and stared hard at the mask, tracing the thin vibrant wings that were attached to its side. Taking the mask but leaving the dress, she closed the wardrobe and walked casually over to her dresser as she kept the time in mind. Leaning down and opening the bottom drawer, Disa pulled out a [url=http://i.imgur.com/xhdiffR.jpg]pleated, white and tan lace dress[/url]. While it wasn’t completely formal, it was much better the puffy monstrosity in her wardrobe. Quickly changing out of her clothes, and into the dress, she grabbed a pair of brown mid-calf leather boots from beneath her bed and hoping on one foot, she pulled on her shoes one at a time. Standing before the mirror along her wall, a small grunt rumbled from her chest as she looked over her plain features. While she had never been one to worry about appearances, it was clear first impression meant something at the upscale academy, so rather then heading out with no makeup she picked up the eye-liner pen lazily and fixed up her appearance. Only covering her eyelids with a thin line of black makeup, she capped the pen and threw it on the dresser. Running lithe fingers through platinum lock, she splayed her wavy locks along her shoulders as she left her hair down. Staring at herself in the mirror, she spoke up in a content tone as the edges of her lips curved, “[b]There, now that looks better.[/b]” Twirling a bit and flaring out her pleated dress, a smile returned to Disa’s face as she looked over herself. It had been a long time since she had done anything fun, and now that she was surrounded by so many new people anticipation began to swell within her. Taking the opportunity to grab her camera to snap pictures of CTS and add them to her collection, Disa hooked the bag over neck, letting it lean against her chest as she grabbed the mask from her bedside. With no help to put it on, she stood in the same spot awkwardly still with her head turned up to keep the mask from falling off her face. Pulling shimmering red ribbons attached to the mask behind her head, she tied it in a firm knot before relaxing. Fixing it onto her face properly, so it sat comfortably on her nose and against her cheeks, amber orbs stared back at her as she stared at herself in the mirror once more before leaving the dorm. Locking the door behind her and placing the key in her camera bag, muffled chatter from the levels bellow caught her attention. Leaning over the iron railing she caught sight of students leaving their rooms, dressed in elegant garbs, and masks like her own. Grinning with excitement, and anticipation for the ball she pulled out her camera from the bag and turned it on. With a small beep, and flash on the screen signaling it’s activation, Disa raised the camera to her eye as she stood still and snapped pictures of the students below. Like a fly she eagerly buzzed around both dorm buildings, and the walkway to the main building. Snapping pictures of beautifully dressed students, and the scenery around campus the blonde eventually found herself following the crowd to the Grand Hall. The ballroom was like the rest of the school, elegant, breath taking, and towering. The lush decorations that covered the Grand Hall caused her jaw to drop once again as she stared around in awe before quickly snapping pictures of the room around her. Her odd hobby, and more casual clothing quickly caught the attention of others but as Disa lost herself in her pictures she brushed off all the looks she received and continued to wander about. The crowd was growing with time as Disa walked amongst the finely dressed. While she didn’t entirely stand out thanks to her semi-formal attire, she couldn’t help but feel that she didn’t belong amongst the other students for the formal event. Underdressed, bored, and more interested in the beautiful campus that she still and yet to fully explore outside, the petite girl began to eye the doorway. Passing by a few of the older students, she caught their snooty looks and rather then letting their better-then-thou attitude get the best of her, she shot back an equally harsh glare as she walked by. Feeling unwelcome, an irritated twitch came to her upper lip as she returned her gaze back at the exit. ‘[i]Ugh, I have to get out of here..[/i]’ Carefully moving through the crowd with an 'Excuse me' here and there as she passed other students, she curved past a small group and walked alongside the empty buffet tables. Unfortunately her path was blocked off as a crowd of students stepped in front of her. Cursing under her breath and trying to find a way another way around the group she watched as a tall, masked student suddenly bumped into a red haired girl, sending her to the floor. Stepping back quickly to avoid getting pulled down with the girl, her shoe dug into the foot of someone behind her as she stepped back. “[b]Ah!—[/b]“ Gasping out loud, she moved to the side with haste as wide amber eyes focused on the student she had just stepped on, “[b]I am so sorry! I didn’t see you behind me, and-[/b]“ Licking her lips nervously she stopped her rambling and spoke in a more even tone, “[b]Are you.. I-I mean is your foot alright?[/b]” The hall began to grow packed now, as Disa found herself trapped next to the tall blonde. Throat growing dry, and her cheeks burning hot from the awkward tension a small sheepish laugh escaped from her lips as she turned her gaze to the crowd. Rubbing the back of her head as she struggled to say something else the girl mentally kicked herself for acting so odd. It wasn’t like her to act like this, but being in a new surrounding with new people, Disa couldn’t help but grow nervous, especially since she stepped on the boys foot. Clearing her throat and making eye contact with the unfamiliar blond male, she held out her hand to the other as she finally introduced herself. “[b]The name’s Disa,[/b]” She said with a smile as her cheeks and ears burned red with embarrassment once again, “[b]Sorry for stepping on your foot.[/b]"