The time passed and the Terminus began to make its entry into the colony bay. The Terminus ship locked with the locking mechanisms within the bay and the Alliance soldiers stood at attention to await their AERO allies. Murrue stood at their lead when she awaited them when she received the report from her pad, “We’ve received the flagship Admiral. They are clear of any suspicious actions.” “Let them complete the docking procedures.” As soon as the clearance light was given Kira ordered the crew through the ship, “All crew, we are clear for docking. Report to the bay area in proper formation and prepare to be briefed.” Kira began to make his way down the halls when he saw the crew making their way down and turned to enter Sousuke’s quarters. He observed his son in the AERO uniform nodding, “Good to see you’ve prepared. You’re not bringing anything with you this time right?” Sousuke stood while stating irritated, “No sir. Frisk me all you want.” Kira turned to face the door when he commanded, “You only need to be formal out in the field Sousuke. Most of all I want you to be on your best behavior and act your age. You’ll have to be doing this regularly in another two years after all.” Sousuke didn’t show any sign of gratitude when he accepted sarcastically, “Sure just keep reminding me and it might sink in…” He followed his father and began to make his way down the docking area. The crew of the Terminus was at attention while Kira and Sousuke made their way to the front to greet the Alliance Admiral. Kira offered his hand in greeting, “Admiral Ramius. A pleasure to meet you again mam.” Murrue accepted the offer when she took his hand greeting, “Likewise Commander. I see you were anxious to make a warm greeting.” She turned to notice his son when she asked, “I take it you’ve taken to training your own recruits Commander?” Sousuke stood at attention lazily saluting, “Sousuke Yamato.” A moment passed when he turned to notice Kira observing him giving a silent disapproval of his behavior. Sousuke tried again when he added, “Reporting mam?” He still didn’t receive any confirmation from his father that he was out of the introduction while Murrue began to show signs of disapproval as well. Sousuke gave more of a formal salute when he tried a final time, “Looking forward to hearing wise words from a great military mind.” Murrue’s face softened when she greeted, “A pleasure to meet you Sousuke. Your father has expressed optimism towards your upcoming service. It will be an honor to see you in the right direction.” Sousuke didn’t show any sign of enthusiasm when he answered, “Likewise Admiral…” The crew of the Terminus were briefed by the Admiral when she announced, “The Archangel decommissioning will be located in the center of the colony. Please remain with your formation and await your time to participate.” The crew saluted before they began to march through the docks and follow the Alliance military through the colony. The citizens in the colony of Port Two observed the progress of the combined forces as the Alliance and ZAFT soldiers made their way through the streets. The main stage of the Archangel was slowly populated by the soldiers of all nations as they made their way behind the old ship’s location. Murrue turned to address the crew observing the stage, “The Decommission will begin in a half hour. Please wait until then.” The crew gave a collective agreement of, “Yes sir.” Sousuke was still at the lead when he noticed the ceremony would take and turned to Kira asking, “So now I take it we wait for another half hour?” Kira began to make his way towards the Alliance Admiral when he answered, “It won’t be long Sousuke. Just wait back here with the others before it’s time.” Sousuke tried to contain his excitement when he saw his father leaving them for another room when he asked, “Why do you have to be somewhere?” “I have to make sure Admiral Ramius has the final preparations for the Archangel to be released. I’ll return when they are completed.” Sousuke saluted to the idea when he accepted, “As long as you need sir.” Kira turned to the remainder of the crew when he began his own speech, “Terminus crew. We are here for an honorable day. At the turn of this century of our timeline and the solidification of space wide peace, we will see the former remains of an era. But remember that as we give rise to the pieces that have done their part for human history, we do not permit the mistakes made by anyone to be repeated. We progress forward and with our acquired knowledge and respect for what has been accomplished. It is our mission as those who enforce this state of peace to ensure it remains a reality. It is a privilege to share this day with you all.” Sousuke noticed Kira was making his way towards the nearest command center when he began to rush out of the area. He heard Terzo ask, “Are you headed somewhere Yamato?” Sousuke looked behind him when he answered, “Yeah Lieutenant. Uh… gotta make sure I’m wearing the right insignias. I think I left them on the ship.” “I can help you with those if you need them.” Sousuke continued to make his way out of the area when he waved, “No worries, this’ll take a short change. I think I just left them back on the ship.” Terzo decided to accept the reasoning when he reminded, “Just make sure to head out double time and be back here on time.” Sousuke gave a quick salute before exciting the area, “On it sir.” It was a few moments before Sousuke left the stage area and began to make his way towards the civilian areas. Sousuke flung his AERO uniform shirt to the side wearing only his undershirt when he began to run out of the area. He had a more positive attitude when he commented to himself, “Woo! Talk about easy!” Kira entered the command center observing the Archangel as they observed the equipment being unloaded and brought to the storage buildings. He turned to Murrue when he asked, “The project is still loaded on the Archangel right now?” Murrue looked over the schedule on her pad when she answered, “After the Decommissioning begins it will be the final shipment to leave the ship. You still plan on going through with the mission?” “As long as the human race finally has a chance to stand against the threat we will make sure the Earth Alliance gives it safety.” Murrue was hesitant when she considered Sousuke’s recent display before asking, “And you believe that your son will be ready when his time comes?” Kira didn’t show any sign of disappointment when he answered, “I’m afraid he won’t have a choice. If I could have had it any other way I would but the threat is still too real.” Murrue let down her pad when she agreed, “Indeed it is. I promise you that if he ever serves under me I’ll do everything possible to ensure he manages to survive.” Kira continued to observe the shipments from the Archangel when he requested, “Thank you for the consideration Admiral. But please try not to display that favoritism too much.” Murrue agreed to the request when she promised, “I don’t even plan to Kira. He’ll have his responsibility as a soldier after all.”