In the crowded and bustling cabin full of other girls Scarlet kept quiet. Unable to recognize a single person she felt relieved as no one from her previous life would be in attempts to stop her or report her, but at the same time the less people that knew about her at the start the better. This was because she wasn’t sure how actively his father was searching for her. He might have posted a reward or looked to the military, so Scarlet’s best bet was to lay low until people trusted her and that she could trust them to not turn her in. At the same time she thought of this she listened to the other chatter cadets gave about the scour or police. she thought at she found her uniform size. It didn’t take her long to change and claim herself a bunk, and thankfully she met no resistance doing so. Facing the reality of the military seemed easy enough so far. A bed was better than a pile of trash on the street and she would be fed. However, she didn’t like the close quarters living with everyone else. Preferring to have breathing room for herself as well as she would like to not here every bit of gossip. Whilst this idle chatter continued in area once they moved to the field Scarlet stood off to a side watching those she could see. Analyzing and coding information into her head about what they seem to be like was the goal. Scarlet wasn’t intelligent in the common sense, but she learned how to read people before leaving her home and on the streets. Hoping that by doing this she may find someone to talk to and end this feeling of anxiety in her chest she didn’t expect.