[center][b]The Seven Day Trial Begins, Day One [/b][/center] [center][i] A collab between: AlterNathan, SoloKolos & LillyDove[/i][/center] [hider=Bootcamp?] Nazari was standing in the morning dew that was beginning to turn to mist and looked up as she heard Kazen screaming her name, seconds later, Kazen collided with her. Sending them both to the ground with a thud, having to remind herself that Kazen was her friend and not someone else, she kept herself from strangling the woman, however tempting it was. [b]"That was uncalled for,"[/b] Nazari said, with a sigh. She shook her head, she brushed Kazen off easily, and got back on her feet. [b]"You need to be ready, engage in combat when he arrives,"[/b] she added after a moment. Kazen laughed as both the women fell to the ground but quickly shut up as she saw Nazari's serious look. Sitting down with her legs next to her body she pouted, her young look and this face made her incredibly cute. [b]"I'm sowwie Na-chan,"[/b] said Kazen as sincere as possible, but accidentilly had to laugh a little. She nodded when Nazari gave her the order and stood up, dusting off her clothes and scouted the trainings field looking for Shu. Shu's eyes scanned the area around him inquisitively for the slightest hint of movement. In the distance he suddenly heard a feminine voice call out his sensei's name, and he turned toward the direction it had come from. He scanned the treeline carefully, before sitting down, and closing his eyes, listening to the sounds around him. Shu attentively concentrated on the sounds filling the training field, ready to detect the slightest noise. Kazen sensed the young Genin on the other side of the small forest in the middle of the trainingsfield. He was meant to meet them here, on this trainingfield, and since it is the same trainingsfield he was not doing anything wrong. Kazen wanted him to come to them but if there was no other way... Kazen hid her prensence and used her ANBU stealth skills to silently approach the unsuspecting boy while she thought of a good way to engage in a fight with him. Shu sat peacefully, reflecting on his previous training session. He had gotten a small cut on his arm which had been bandaged, though it was probably an unnecessary precaution. He had gotten plenty of cuts, and burns while working at the forge with his father, but then again a lot of the cuts were instantly carterized, and therefore useless to bandage. As Shu became lost in thought, he didn't notice Kazen sneaking up behind him, and it was quite clear that he had lost his earlier concentration. Kazen decided and threw a kunai with a smoke tahe attached to it before drawing her sword and getting down from the trees, her visor before her eyes. she wanted to see how he would react to a surprise attack and tried to keep him form thinking it was her. Kazen darted around him not utilizing her full agility and speed. the smoke prevented him from seeing so he would need to use his sensory and detaction skills. Kazen kept darting around him and hoped he was getting ready as she was about to launch her first attack. Shu heard a kunai stick near him, and when he opened his eyes he was greeted with a thick smoke. He blinked in surprise, looking around frantically, before remembering his training. Smoke based attacks were meant to deprive the target of eyesight, but they were easy to counter given knowledge of the right jutsu. Shu recklessly preformed the seals for water wave palm, and quickly cleared away a large part of the smoke with it, allowing him to see clearly (or as clearly as his damaged eyes would allow him). Following this tactic, Shu found Kazen running in the mist, wearing a visor. Nazari shortly nodded as Kazen went on her way, she also senses Shu arriving on the trainingfield. She knew she could leave the two for a brief moment, Kazen was not THAT stupid. Nazari looked around and jumped up running over the rooftops. it was time to use that one item she kept from using for a long time. Kazen noticed the smoke dissapearing due to a wave of water and quickly in a direction where there was still a wall of smoke only to shoot a Suiryƫdan no Jutsu (Water Dragon Bullet) through it a second later aimed at the boy behind it. A sudden bust of water, in the shape of a dragon, seemed to materilize out of the smoke, and head towards Shu. It took him a second to realize what was actually happening, but once he fully comprehended the situation, he decieded the best course of action would be to take note of the dragon's speed. After that he made a risky jump at the last possible second to avoid the dragon, making him land awkwardly on the ground next to it. He lay there for a good two seconds before getting up to assess his next threat. The dragon seemed to have a mind of his own as it took a sharp turn and headed for shu once again. obviously Kazen was controlling it from behind the now dispersng wall of smoke. She was into this but suddenly thought of what the consequeses could be of the jutsu she used at the genin and sent the dragon at the legs of the boy instead of at his chest. Shu saw the dragon curve just as he raised his head, as it began to head towards his legs. He quickly scuttled away on his hands and knees away from the dragon, before standing up. He spotted Kazen, and had an idea. He ran at a tree, matching his pace to be right around the same as the dragon's speed. He suddenly jumped at the tree, before pushing off it, and jumping over it, landing with a roll, before running towards Kazen. His plan now was to break her concentration, and end the jutsu. The dragon was a little faster than Shu had anticipated but Kazen was getting impatient with not hitting him so made a little mistake, the dragon brushed Shu's leg probably causing a light bruise, and smashed intself into a tree before dispersing. Kazen, with her sword drawn waited for Shu to get in range before exucting a Mikazuki no Mai (Leaf's dance of the crescent moon). Nazari told her not to hold back as long as she wont injure him too much and so Kazen does. When the dragon bruised Shu's leg, it caused him to stumble out of his roll, barely catching himself before he began to run. His leg was burning with pain, but he tried to ignore it, as it wasn't a serious injury.Shu looked up at Kazen right as she preformed the last seal for Mikazuki no Mai, and watched in utter disbelief as two clones began to rush at him from the left and right, while the real Kazen attacked from overhead. Kazen's speed was insurmountable, and Shu quickly realized he had no hope of dodging her onslaught. Kazen rose up into the sky and descended upon Shu only to hold back at the last moment giving him a superficail cut in both his right shoulder and around his hip at both sides. Kazen pushed him back, making sure there was put some distance between them but not hard enough to make him trip, and stored her sword. [b]"Now its time to test our taijutsu skills"[/b] said Kazen and took a defensive stance. Shu felted the sword cut his skin on his shoulder and around his hips, and winced, before being lightly pushed by Kazen. She said that it was time for taijutsu, and Shu winced even more then he had from the cuts. His taijutsu was painfully average, so he knew he wouldn't impress anyone in this regard. Even so he took a defensive stance, and preparing for the worst from Kazen. Knowing it would be stupid to make the first move, he just focused on reading her body for the adjustments, anything that could tell him where she was going to strike. Nazari returned a moment after Kazen announced it was time to practice taijutsu, thinking it would be a good time to announce her return. [b]"Actually, it is time for something else,"[/b] Nazari said as she made her appearance in between the two. She was presently surprised that neither had killed the other or did anything too serious injury wise. She held the chest and ankle weights in her hands like they were mere feathers before walking over to Shu and strapping the chest weights onto him. Moving to the ankle weights before straightening herself up and taking a step back. [b]"The next exercise will be increasingly difficult, the weights on you are ten pounds each. Kazen will run with you,"[/b] Nazari said. Leaving out the part about the water clones she had already placed in specific parts of the path that Kazen would take with him. Shu blinked in surprise as Nazari strapped weights to his arms legs, and noted that they weighed ten pounds each. He raised his foot, lowered it, then repeated the process until he was satisfied. This challenge seemed to be endurance based, and Shu decieded he could handle it. "Ok, I'm ready," Shu said to Nazari, before making sure Kazen was ready to begin. Once she was, Shu began to follow the path made by Kazen, the weights making running significantly more tedious then it normally was. Shu also noticed that he found it more difficult to raise his arms, so if he came across hostiles he would have a harder time fighting them off. Kazen flexed her muscles as Nazari strapped the weights onto their little student. Kazen looked around and made a test round while using wind walk and was back just as Shu proclaimed he was ready to go. Kazen undid wind walk and started with what was a slow jog for her, it would be a pace that should be easy to keep up with if you ran at an avarage speed. physically fit shinobi or not, with weights strapped tp your body it is a hard task nevertheless. Kazen decided to not do anything with the clones of her partner untill Shu completed the first round, it would be increasingly more difficult after each round for him. rounds were around half a mile long and he should be able to do at least 5 miles if he wanted to succenfuly end his first day of this bootcamp. after a quarter round Kazen made him throw his knees up with every step, half past the round he had to have his heels meet his butt every step. the last quarter of each round would be a sprint whereafter they completed the round and started off with a leisure-like jog again. the way of running would be the same every round and would be sure to even tire Kazen a lot. Shu tried his best to follow Kazen, but when she started demanding him to do small 'tricks' it became more tedius. He almost tripped a couple times when he was raising his knees, and fell multiple times when he was asked to raise his foot to his butt. It seemed to be a lot harder then Shu had anticipated, and his weariness grew with every step. He was about to proclaim the hopelessness of the situation, and the impossibility of the challenge given, when he realized he had no right to complain. If Shu wanted to be a ninja he had to face each challenge with resolve, and a soundness of mind. With this idea in place he took to the challenge more openly, obeying every order Kazen gave it. Unfortunately he still had 9 laps to go. Just when the two of them started the third lap and Kazen decided to kick it up a notch, a messenger appeared telling Kazen and Nazari to appear at the battlefront. It appears the Yonbi is threatening the city. [b]"Kazen!"[/b] Nazari ordered [b]"Bring Shu to safety while I go ahead, meet up with me later!"[/b]. Kazen nodded as her friend rushed to the battlefield. [/hider]