William made his way back to the piano, he was sure she would find the clothes that he had hidden the clothes behind the door which she had just walked through. She would have to, she certainly wasn't the type to walk around causally in an unfamiliar house with nothing on. She would likely just put on her dirty clothes before that though, but all she would have to do is look towards the door to find the clothes. She would see white drawers, pair of folded dark blue denim jeans and a black tank top. She would not know it but it was William's own outfit rather than an outfit he had bought for the occasion. As his fingers touched down on the piano he remembered that he had to see to it that she had eaten. She probably did, squirrel or something, but the fact that he didn't know made him uneasy. William did not like not knowing things, which was probably the reason someone felt it was fine to toy with him by telling them Raphael was a boy. Then again, Raphael seemed so stuck up and was covered in muck which was very uncharacteristic of a female. Could have been an honest mistake, certainly not one Momo Karl would make so easily, well maybe Karl. William played Moonlight Sonata to pass the time before he finally got up from the piano and made his way into the kitchen. Elendra and Christine sat there attentively with breakfast already prepared and stared at William as he entered the room. They had clearly heard him coming and they had come to be as paranoid as mice scurrying in the darkness of the night. They like many of his slaves were scared to death of William, usually because of his voice which some had said was more frightening than his eyes. He wondered if Raphael would grow to fear him as wel. but such couldn't be helped. "Lunch for one, please" William said as he looked at the woman and they immediately got to work without so much as a question. It was probably because they had gotten word of the punishment from earlier but it has seemed to slip his mind.