[quote=Schradinger] Unles he has a slow time spell that you failed to mention in the CS (making it unusable) or has a telekinetic field type of defense, there's no way he's fast enough to grab an individual bullet after it gets fired, seeing as superhuman reaction speeds also wasn't part of his repetoire. Even catching an arrow is pushing it, but still within the realm of possibility. [/quote] [quote=Max Shadow] agreed, it's been proven that normal humans can catch an arrow with either practice or prior warning (with a little luck they can do so without any training) but without the ability to slow time or react a super human speeds bullets are to fast (and without the telekinesis or super human skin durability even with those two all you're going to do is damage your hands instead of your body if you manage to keep hold of it, and just add more damage if you don't and it still hits you. in fact it's been loosely proven that even with super human stats trying to catch a 9mm bullet in your mouth is just going to take out your teeth then everything behind them unless you have a mouthful of steel teeth.....in which case the only safe option is using them as a shield and hoping for the best.....)(...i feel really smart at the moment for some reason.....it feels unnatural >___<) [/quote] The points still the same, but he does have telekinesis, Max...I have no idea how stopping a bullet magically would damage the hand... The point is that I'm screwed.