The sun was still low when the trainees came in, and everyone was probably grateful. These past weeks had been excruciatingly hot, and the summer heat is worse in the training grounds. Newcomers flooded in through the front gates whilst military personnel herded them towards the barracks, separated the genders, took down names , and so forth. Viktor patrolled along the edge, making sure no one wandered off or tried anything stupid; it would be a shame to be court-martialed on the first day. Viktor's eyes darted, memorizing hair, eyes, body shapes, and voices. His peers shook their heads in disapproval but found it funny that he was putting any effort in this job. He didn't really think anything of this, it was simply their opinion and their choice to not take their duty as seriously as him. Back when he himself was a trainee, Viktor's supervisors were some of the top men from each of their respected branches, and even those from the Military Police took their job seriously, and that's the level of dedication he aimed for. Viktor had an ever present smile and his monocle bounced and glared with sunlight as he walked, his hair was neatly pulled back into a small ponytail with a silk red ribbon. His military uniform was a bit tight though, since whoever was in charge of retrieving the uniforms didn't listen when Viktor asked for specific measurements. It felt uncomfortable around the back, even though he had perfect posture, the shirt and jacked pulled at his shoulders. The pants were worse; he didn't show it, but the crisp white pants squeezed his legs like snakes making it rather difficult to walk, especially how the trousers squeezed and rubbed against his nether regions; it was possibly the most uncomfortable situation he could have ever been in. And probably about to be the most embarrassing. Viktor could feel a small ripple coming from his clothing, although undetectable to others, he could even hear the unmistakable sound of the stitching snapping under pressure. His face was like a stone slab, but beads of sweat formed on his face and color rose to his cheeks. He couldn't make any sudden movements, or else-- "--Smisse! Vice chief Smisse!" A hand tapped Viktor's right shoulder and the voice sounded small and squeaky. Viktor was startled since he was caught up in his own thoughts that he forgot his predicament and spun around abruptly. The horrific sound of fabric tearing echoed through the front yard, gigantic holes and tears formed and dotted the uniform and then silence followed. Viktor swore he heard a couple of gasps and a few giggles, some instantaneous and other s bit late to the reaction. Viktor's face was a deep beet red and sweat drops trickled down his neck; world seemed to stop, making this moment unbearably longer than it should be. The one who had called Viktor's attention was a staff sergeant that-- if Viktor remembered correctly-- was from the Garrison, serving as the Trainee Corps' barracks inspector. The young man's eyes were probably as wide as Viktor's, his face was as white as a sheet, realizing his error. The two stood still staring at each other until Viktor broke the silence, "Y-yes, inspector?" Viktor's voice was raspy and hushed, he was really thirsty all of a sudden. "U-uh... It's almost time for the orientation, a-and the schedule says that there will be dinner afterwards... s-sir." The young inspector raised his clipboard in fear of retaliation from Viktor, even though everyone knew him to be very forgiving and even a sort of pacifist. Viktor didn't respond, staring into space, his dignity self imploding into a vacuum that sucked all light around it. "U-um... Vice Chief Smisse, sir?" The young officer called out Viktor, bringing him back to his senses. Viktor focused his eyes again, bring his attention to the young man. "I-it says on the officer roster that it's you're to cook tonights meal, sir." It took a moment for him to process what the boy was saying, since Viktor's mid was reseting itself, he then came to his senses and his gentle smile returned, "Oh, I see." Viktor patted the inspector on the shoulder, causing the young man to flinch. "Thank you for telling me this Inspector, I'll get on that right away." Viktor turned away and began the trek to the mess hall, which ironically was on the other side of the grounds, meaning he would have to walk across the sea of bodies in his ripped uniform, while eyes burned holes into what remained of his pride and self esteem, even the other major officers stared at him with sneers and satisfied grins, maybe it was planned that Viktor was to be humiliated? Deleting the thought from his mind, Viktor humbled himself and held his head high, walking at normal pace towards the mess hall. At least it was more comfortable to walk since his pants didn't suffocate his crotch anymore. Once inside, Viktor let out a sigh of relief, throwing his ruined jacket onto one of the tables. He was at least in his comfort zone, where he could let his consciousness drift while he did what he did best. Rolling up his sleeves and unbuttoning his shirt a little, Viktor made his way to the kitchen. Tonight would be his favorite and most popular military dish: Potato dumpling stew. Viktor threw on a worn teal apron, the embroidered insignia of Wall Rose with a loaf of bread in front of it would catch anyone's eye. He was a Baker's Man of course.