Name: Masilalt (doesn't mind being called Masi) Age: 16 Gender: male Species: demon Appearance: [hider=demon form, the one in the back] [img=] all the tattoos are for spiritual protection, and hes missing his third finger on his left hand and his middle on the right.[/hider] [hider=human form][img=][/hider] Skill: fighting, sorting truths from lies Powers: He uses voodoo magic pretty well. Weaknesses: Holy items and other typical items that keep demons away, water. He's also pretty vulnerable to things like summoning circles. bad with the English language and doesn't always think things through. Personaltiy: Masilalt's an arrogant demon, loud and doesn't hold his tongue. He loves fighting, and won't turn down an opportunity to get into one. He kills without remorse, but on earth does try to hold himself back. Insanely overprotective over the ones he cares about, and will help them with something if he can. He's judgmental, and tends to base opinions on what he thinks of people in the first few moments. He's pretty open with showing affection. Once he's friends with someone, Masilalt will tend to calm down a bit. History:Raised in an active city in Hell, he often went up to remote locations of the earth along with his mother to learn dark arts. While in hell, he would begin to make a name for himself in the community, gaining a small group of followers. Eventually, he went out on his own, making a living off of the profession he learned. A growing interest in humans led him to apply for the school. Other: Since his heart runs on fire, he breathes out smoke. He's warm to the touch, and can't stand in snow or on ice without melting it. If something needs doing, offering him raw meat is almost a surefire way to get him to do it.