"So, the second half of the ritual didn't reach perfect efficiency..." A skew from the desired results had occurred, and in one capacity or another, "gods" once more existed. Troublesome, if nothing else. The power that gave "domain" over reality was distributed amongst several distinct beings now. Regardless though, the Demon Lord Raavun certainly held the largest piece. Against a single god, chance of victory was high. At the moment though, no one god could be certain of the existence of the others. For all they knew, each was the only living god. Learning of the existence of him would result in an attempt upon his life, because until he died it was decidedly impossible for the gods to become any stronger than they were currently. They were not able to begin the process of "leveling up" until he was deceased, and so he did not have to be concerned with struggles making them stronger. If he attempted to kill them one by one, the other gods would certainly notice the energy from a fight, and learning of his existence would be problematic. Attempting to kill them all at once was similarly foolhardy, it was an unneeded risk. The solution was simple, considering that one knew the opposition. Gods of water, fire, air, and earth. Sun and moon. Justice and death. They would not simply leave one another to exist freely, they would challenge one another for the right to be the One True God, because when only one of them exists that one shall become the One True God. He then, simply had no reason to fight. A ripple of energy was sent into the world, burrowing beneath the surface. The subtlety was such that the gods who would oppose him, Magic, Wisdom, Earth, Prophecy, none would realize that there was a true origin point of the energy. It would simply seem as a reaction of the world to the recreation of gods, an appropriate flowing of the life force of the world in response to their rebirth. From the locations of where each god stood, a beacon of undetectable power born of a forgotten age burst from the world, visible only to the gods through a sense beyond sight, through a feeling beyond words. The unsaid message was simple, as each god was immediately made aware of the locations of each other. "Your competition exists. Let the war of the new age begin."