They sky was lit up for a second as a streak of lightning flashed through the sky, followed by a monstrous boom. For those few seconds the thunder cancelled out the noise of cry’s and fighting that was happening in the city. In the middle of the street were people were trying their best to not get butchered by the seemingly endless hoards of daedra, Fendryn was scurrying around on the floor trying his best to get his other blade back that the dremora had tossed. He hadn’t really noticed the Breton on the floor fighting with the dremora, who a little bit before had been attacking him, a little bit down the street. He couldn’t really hear anything over the slowly rising screams that were coming from all around him and metal hitting metal. To the south a fire started to rapidly grow, burning all of the buildings next to it. He looked up for a second. [i]That’s coming from the gate, nice our only exit is behind a wall of fire.[/i] Fendryn found his sword and looked up to his surprise, the guardsman fighting the dremora. The creature had its back to Fendryn has it pushed the Breton away to get a bit of space and get back on his feet but Fendryn didn’t give him the chance, this was only chance he had to kill it. He sheathed one of his swords and sprinted down the street, pushing past people and daedra alike. He grabbed the beast by one of the horns on its head, pulling it to the side, to expose some of its flesh. Fendryn lunged his sword downwards, cleanly piercing the creatures’ neck. Gurgling sounds came from its mouth as Fendryn quickly pulled out the sword. He took a few steps back and kicked the body the floor. Another fire started in the east now and was burning towards them. [i]Gods, what is happening right now,[/i] Fendryn thought to himself. He looked around to see the streets already littered with dead bodies. Smoke was filling the streets. Suddenly somebody grabbed his shoulder. He turned around quickly, raising his sword, only to realize it was Ulrer. “Fendryn, we need to get out of this fucking street! We need to get into the chapel!” Fendryn looked at him and nodded his head in agreement. “Okay, take the old man inside. I’ll get the guard.” He wiped the blood away from his sword on his greaves and then sheathed it. He jogged a few feet to where the guard was getting back up from the ground, it was the same one who had just risked his life for him. Fendryn stuck out his hand to help him get up from the ground. “Come on get up! We need to get inside quickly or we’re all dead…” He noticed in the corner of his eye most of the daedra, who were in the same street as them were distracted, he couldn’t really see from all the smoke but he could just see lightning flying from the tops of roofs hitting the daedra below and they were all firing into the sky. As the lightning came down for a few seconds it lit up the street a bit and could just make out the high elf who he’d met in the street earlier. “I don’t know what that crazy altmer is doing.” He started to cough violently from all the smoke, “But it seems like she’s doing a pretty good job of keeping those daedra distracted.” He put one his arms in front of his head to try and keep some of the smoke out of his eyes. “I’m going in and if you have any brains you’ll come with me and shut the door behind you. Unless you want to go and be a hero and die trying to save the people who can’t be saved.” After saying that he ran to the doors of the chapel, noticing a khajiit helping people in.