Random Fact: The scarlet band she wears originally belonged to her eldest brother, who was an archer, he wore various bands of different red hues to keep his wrist from being damaged. [hider=&] [b]What do you like/dislike the most about the roleplay so far?[/b] [indent]Thus far I haven't been disappointed with this, in which my past endeavors of joining groups wasn't entirely pleasant. This particular story has a lot firsts for me: being the first one I've joined in a four month hiatus, where I've done a collaborated post, playing a character likes Mags [some have been similar, but none so haunted and dark and didn't become a rampaging bitch because of it] and using the timelines and flashback methods and the combat system. The movement of the plot isn't rushed to where I'm falling behind, though I can't say this for others, but even with my ridiculous work load I'm able to pop up here and there and I'm able to post at a somewhat comfortable pace. I feel pleased and more bound to this story with having put a lot of graphic time into it, as I was extremely satisfied that everyone loved the banners so much. Music and visual elements for me are key, so the fact that we're heavy on those helps tremendously and somewhat motivates me to stick around. I have a terrible tendency to become detached or bored, but I don't see that happening here. Now on dislikes, I have a few: my family is military, quite steeped into it, so those particular details for me are just eh, but they are necessary for the story; this is just a personal thing, easily dismissed. I also feel there is a lack of acknowledgement in character actions, especially with some that are so obvious and really only such acknowledgements seem to happen when people are collaborating, this does not pertain to everyone, but I feel as if some crucial details are glossed over or rather ignored. I suppose me being a heavily detailed writer and person, this may just be a personal peeve or preference. But then, I'm just easily annoyed. I wouldn't expect everyone to notice everything, or for characters as well, but I find myself somewhat confused when reading certain posts, like, oh well okay. . . Now when I first started, I was drawn by the backdrop of Final Fantasy elements, but then was entirely put off with my writing style in which made me terribly insecure and nearly dropped the entire thing. I got comfortable with it and my method until a friend pointed out that changing it up wouldn't kill me - in the end, I'm glad I stayed.[/indent] [b]If you could change anything about the roleplay, what would it be?[/b] [indent]I'm not certain I would change anything, everything is rather solid and concrete and I'm satisfied with it.[/indent] [b]What do you think about the group or someone in particular?[/b] [indent]I think everyone has a certain charm to themselves and their writing style, I feel like my work schedule keeps me from bonding entirely, but, it is what it is. I have enjoyed collaborating and would like to point that JJ and Arch were wonderful to work with and I hope to work with everyone eventually.[/indent] [b]Do you have any general thoughts or ideas for the roleplay?[/b] [indent]I'm sure it'll come up, but I'm looking for some gut-wrenching-morally-question-mentally-emotionally-fucked-up situations. That's all. c:[/indent][/hider]