Mizuchi looked at the sea, it's infinite beauty sending him into a deep trance. "So..." Mizuchi merely said as he continued to stare across the sea as if there was something more to the sea than just an endless expanse of water. "Water god..." Mizuchi sat down on the soft sand, his right hand unknowingly playing with the sand, picking up a handful and slowly letting the sand drop out. "God of the storms... god of the seas... god of... water?" Mizuchi suddenly thrust his hand out towards the sea, curving his fingers inward and slowly lifting his hand up, trying to see if he can move the water around. Of course, this was not how it was done, and all Mizuchi accomplished was looking like an idiot. Mizuchi gave up after a few minutes, lying down completely on the sand after tiring himself out. "Perhaps this is all but a make-believe fantasy in my head, perhaps I merely created the fantasies to live out my life outside of my job..." Mizuchi tapped his cheek with his finger repeatedly. "... No... those... images- no, memories," Mizuchi recalled his memories, the endless sea of new memories filling his head, some were good, some were bad. "They're real, they feel real, I couldn't have made all of this up... but it just doesn't feel... real..." Mizuchi stood up, turning away from the sea, but as soon as he did, he turned right back. The sea beckoned towards him. Mizuchi stepped forward unknowingly, it wasn't he that was doing this. Mizuchi took another step towards the sea, and another, and another, all until he was neck deep in the water. Mizuchi began to swam until he was hundreds of feet away from the sea line, he didn't know why, but at this point, this was all of free will. It was as if the sea was beckoning towards him, calling him, he knew he was crazy, he knew he was going crazy, but he couldn't stop. Mizuchi dove under the water, holding his breath, swimming deeper and deeper, trying to reach the ocean floor that seemed out of reach. Mizuchi began to struggle, he couldn't breath, the air that he reserved was all gone. Mizuchi began to swim upwards, but it was too late. Mizuchi grasped his neck with both of his hands, his mouth opened, water began to fill his lungs, he was drowning. Mizuchi closed his eyes, his vision fading away. [i]Foolish human...[/i] A voice said in his head, so deep and dark, so threatening. [i]Am I really to believe that I chose you? I chose you, a stupid human being who can't even control the seas... and now you're drowning? What? You can't even breathe under water? How pathetic can you be?[/i] If Mizuchi could have spoken, he would have voiced his opinions by now, but it was too late. Mizuchi closed his eyes, accepting his mere fate. Suddenly, something hit Mizuchi in the chest, and it hit him hard. Mizuchi opened his eyes, coughing, Mizuchi stared down at the thing that hit him in the chest, he was angry, he was pissed, this wasn't Mizuchi, this was someone else completely. Mizuchi saw nothing, but he heard a familiar swishing noise behind him. Mizuchi turned around, seeing a dolphin quickly swim away. [i]You inherited the powers of the sea god, his memories, his powers, and yet you have no idea how to use them?![/i] The same voice yelled out inside of his Mizuchi's head. [i]Open your eyes, you can breathe, you are no longer some mortal, you are a god, the god of the seas, do you not realize that?![/i] Mizuchi was stunned, his eyes widened. He could breathe, water was no longer in his lungs, he was unknowingly manipulating the water around him from entering through his mouth or nose, as if he had done it before countless of times. [i]Who are you?[/i] Mizuchi asked in his head. [i]I am your steed, the weapon that you so once long ago chose, and here I am, inside of your head, waiting to be unleashed, instead I am merely teaching a fragment of what you used to be... sad, is it not? I hope the other gods don't dare lay their eyes on you in such a weak and pathetic state such as this...[/i] [i]Other gods?[/i] [i]The gods who you were once in an eternal battle with, the god of the Night, the god of Order, the god of the Dead, the god of War, the god of the Hunt, the god of the Skies, the god of the Souls, the god of Luck, the god of Vengeance, the god of Invention, the god of Beauty... and finally, we have you, the god of the seas, who is in such a mere pathetic state, having his own weapon have to explain things to him, is it not sad, Mizuchi?[/i] Mizuchi opened his mouth to speak out loud instead of through his own head, but before he had a chance to do so, something went through his head. [i]Do you feel that?[/i] The voice in his head asked. [i]Locations. They've appeared, the gods.[/i] [i]How could you tell?[/i] Mizuchi asked in his head. [i]Do not ask such pointless questions, sea god![/i] The voice in his head said. [i]Don't fret, you are shielded by the seas, they cannot bend the magic of the seas to allow themselves to fight under the sea... at least I think, we do not have much time, but it appears I must teach you, is that correct?[/i] Mizuchi nodded, opening his mouth to speak once more, but closing it, hesitating. [i]What's your name?[/i] [i]Aquarius,[/i] Mizuchi gave a slight grin, it was a silly - yet appropriate - name for a weapon, especially for likes of a sea god. [i]Laughing? Oh, well then, you can stay like the useless human being you are![/i] Aquarius gave out a slight "hmph" sound. Mizuchi thrust his hands out in front of it, shaking his hands. [i]No! No! I didn't mean to laugh at your name![/i] Mizuchi was quick to react, Aquarius was his only way to learning the secrets and knowledge of the past sea god. [i]Then let us begin, shall we? What do you desire?[/i] Aquarius asked. Mizuchi opened his mouth. "Grant me your knowledge, I desire the knowledge of the sea god..." Mizuchi said, completely forgetting about his job as a doctor, about his family. There was something about the way the voice inside of his head spoke, something about it that made Mizuchi completely believe him. ---- Mizuchi held his hand out as he sat on the rock, his hand clenched into a fist holding up his head. Mizuchi changed, he was the sea god, god of the seas, god of the dream world, a god who had once raged war on any other god who dare decided to get in his way, but even he could not lose the grasp of what he once was, which was a kind and loving person. Even he could not shove those traits of him away, Mizuchi knew that he could not dare rage a war against a god, that would be too destructive. Mizuchi had to somehow play friendly with them, even though he himself knew in the past how violent the sea god once was. "Aquarius... is there any god near the sea..." Mizuchi spoke, his voice booming out from his mouth with authority. Aquarius, the weapon that the sea god owned, gifted to him by another god oh so long ago. Aquarius gave Mizuchi the knowledge - and thus the power - of the sea god. Mizuchi owed everything to the weapon, who was in its "sea form," which was the form of a trident.