[i]"All crew, we are clear for docking. Report to the bay area in proper formation and prepare to be briefed."[/i] Terra dressed herself into the pilot suit. The slender pale legs that seamlessly entered the lower part of the suit wrapped tightly around her thighs that revealed much of her feminine appearance. She adjusted the hip area of her suit with gentle pulls and slaps around before zipping up the rest of her uniform. Wearing her pilot suit had always made her feel so exposed, especially with her oversized chest that she had. She would've hoped that she could be in normal civilian clothing as that would take less heat than a tight pilot suit. And so she formed up with the rest of the other pilots and crew of the Terminus, walking in formation as they left the ship and into the bay area 4 where the Admiral stood and the entire ensemble stopped to give her their salutations. Terra followed the strict sign of respect, that was until she could see beside the Admiral her father and mother standing by. Seems like they hadn't noticed her yet, but for sure dying to find out what her daughter had become. Terra had to suppress her excitement inside of her as Kira stood up with his son and shook Admiral Ramius's hand. Does that make him special? Her father was close to the stage as well. Could she just move out of her formation to greet them? Well, it is a ceremony after all correct? The stiffening of formation could be seen as Terra disintegrated from the neatly formed line of soldiers. Other watched as she broke off and saluted the Admiral personally before Athrun and Cagalli approached her by the sides. "Salutations to you Admiral!" She said with her most respect for her before seeking refuge by her parent's side. "You shouldn't take off on your own like that Terra. It isn't appropriate." Athrun held his hand to her shoulder before the Admiral given them instructions to the crew of the Terminus and they left. "I'm sorry, father. But I couldn't contain myself." Terra turned to her mother by Athrun's side. "It's good to see you too." The two embraced one another with compassion. "The Admiral is waiting for me on a different room. I will see you again shortly in half an hour. Be on your best behaviour Terra, understood?" Athrun walked with Kira and Ramius into a room without Cagalli, presumably a discussion about private matters having to do with the military. "Understood father..." Terra said and her mother came to look at her daughter in her pilot suit. "You've grown in your five years. I nearly didn't recognise you!" Cagalli admitted and Terra flashed a smile. "Let's go out and spend some time in the shopping district together. I'll handle everything if anything happens with the fleet. I'm sure Athrun will be alright with it." Cagalli took her daughter's hand and brought her outside of the memorial, despite Terra not wanting to. "But mother... The memorial..." Cagalli seemed intent on spending some time with Terra, dragging Terra with her. "No buts... It's a chance that we don't get often together Terra." And so they scurried into the shopping district together.