So his name was Joseph. Jay grinned, wondering if this guy would turn out to be one of his comrades. He seemed courageous enough; strong and alert. However, the moment Joseph spoke about him, Jay Ahn, joining the Military Police, his smile turned down. He clenched his jaw, about to snap back at him. Yet, Noelle's words from the previous day (and like all other days) floated into his mind. [i]"Be patient."[/i] He politely coughed, shaking his head. "Nah, I'm aiming for the Scouting corps," he firmly said, a flame of determination in his eyes. "And you?" --- Noelle stared at the dusty ground, the sun's ray beating down on her. She had given up long ago on trying to find her brother. He was nowhere to be seen and from a distance, every male seemed identical to her. Small tears sprung up and she ferociously rubbed her eyes. She shouldn't be so timid! After all, she was Noelle Ahn. Crying like this was basically telling the higher-ups that she was a weak person. She didn't want to be weak, not now, not ever. Noelle would survive this camp and help Jay achieve his dreams. Right, so first she would need to - “Are you looking for someone?” Noelle audibly gasped, her skin jumping as she wildly looked at the origin of the voice. When she saw that the girl next to her had struck a conversation, she relaxed, her lips pulling up into a tiny smile. "Oh, I... Well, actually, I'm trying to find my brother," she said as she studied this girl. She seemed nice enough and was surprisingly head-on about her trying to search for someone. "U-uhm, Noelle. Noelle Ahn," she stammered as she stuck out her hand.