Ethan could not help but smile at the adorable way the small cat... youkai turned his head. It made him want to scratch the creature behind the ears. But he resisted the impulse. Either he was crazy and the cat was talking back to him, in which case he would be petting a figment of his imagination, or this was a real youkai, a wise and sentient being, in which case he should not lay a finger on him without his consent. At the offer to change to a human, Ethan nodded. “Yeah, if you don't terribly mind. Transforming might help,” he responded, smiling softly. “As far as my questions, I did some reading on the Internet last night, but it's all speculation. The vast majority think your kind is just a myth, no more real than the Greek gods, although impressive in how they have spanned across cultures under various names. Anyone who thinks otherwise is labeled as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but even on those boards, many think that you just left our world or plane of existence or whatever. Very few really think you are still around,” he explained, meeting the eyes of the cat before him. “So if I have a question, it's more like... what's the truth? What's your side of the story, apart from the myths and misinformation?” the curious human finally asked. He was not seeing anything else that was strange. No visual or auditory hallucinations. Such insanity did not usually manifest itself with just one image, not to mention an image that seemed so damn real, that he could actually touch. Perhaps... perhaps there was a chance Ethan was not insane, but he would need a strong change to his perspective on the world.