Name: Evelyn (Eve) Burn Age: 17 Gender: Female Sign: Virgo (The Virgin) Special Powers: Telepathy (being under Mercury, the planet of communication it seems fitting) Personality: Analytical and likes to solve new problems she hasn't face before. She's very talkative to people she knows, but is quite shy and quiet around people she doesn't. She can be quite the pessimist and perfectionist with a hint of light OCD where straightening and cleaning things is calming to her. She also has reduced self-confidence. Bio: Typical family environment growing up being the eldest of three sisters, and is currently stressing over grades and participating in various activities Looks: [hider=Appearence][img=][/hider] Do you look different when you change?: Just wearing this with different hair. [hider=Guardian Appearence][img=] [/hider] Other: