Ignasius froze as the hunters came, he sat there, not saying a word and mostly having half of his face covered by a mug of his ale. He also glared at the new mug of ale he received for the blood of an noble creature. To his mind, this was wrong, as soon as the hunters moved out, the knight stood up, flipping the new mug over and walking out. He looked at the men preparing for their journey. The old knight waited for them to make a reasonable distance, yet be close enough for him to follow. And so, he hopped on his horse and tightened the straps of his armour. He checked through his weapon and rode out. After hours of following, without finding a single opportunity to pick off any unfortunate sod who was pissing too far from his camp, he saw as how the group started charging... He also started hearing the beating of a lot of giant wings. The warrior groaned, as he took his lance and simply charged. One of the dragon hunters didn't even have time to scream, when the long thing impaled through his throat, the force and the speed of the inpact was enough to literally tear the man's head off... Ignasius' lance still hadn't broke, as he charged once again, now hitting an armored man in the chest, piercing through the breastplate and making him fall on the ground in terrible pains... The knight's lance was now broken, so he took his warhammer and started charging at the nearest one, only realizing that it was a terrible mistake, when he saw the man having a spear. Ignasius tried to maneuver away from it, but it was too late, the horse impaled itself on the spear, making the man fall off his horse to the dirt with a heavy thud.... He ached everywhere... But he had to get up if he wanted to fight on.. Adrenaline gave him enough strength to stand, no matter the weight of the armour and the pain, he was still holding his hammer, and saw the man who killed his horse coming at him now with a sword. He swung the hammer at the man's head, caving it in like a melon, and obviously making him regret for not wearing a helmet. Suddenly, Ignasius had felt an impact on his back. Some silly sod tried to swing an arming sword at plate armour, doing pretty much nothing. The warrior rose his hammer, and bashed the man... But just after that, he felt a piercing pain in his back as a crossbow bolt perforated through the plate and the mail underneath. Ignasius tried to go on, but another hit him in the hind-quarters, making him fall from injuries, exhaustion and pain... He was alive.... He only wondered for how long...