Name: Ramius Montague Age: 22 Gender: male Description/Pic: Ramius is quite short, standing at 5'4 feet. He is quite frail looking, like even the smallest breeze could easily topple him over. His shoulder length brown hair is kept on a loose ponytail and usually covers his eyes. Ramius has a very effeminate face - so effeminate infact that he's occasionally confused with his sister. His eyes are a very pale shade of blue. Despite being frail Ramius has strong arms - he used to be one of the best archers of his age. His left hand has a nasty scar on it's palm due to a sparring accident that has left the prince unable to use the hand properly. The prince doesn't really use any fancy clothes - he doesn't seem to care what he wears as long as he's not under dressed enough to offend someone. Most often he wears a white tunic, gray pants and black boots. Personality: Ramius used to be talkative and always saw the better things even in the worst of situations. Now he's slightly bitter, doesn't talk much and all in all has stopped caring about the things he used to care most. He still has a sense of humor, though it has became quite dry and bleak. Ramius has a very sharp mind and he's perfectly willing to utilize it in every way he can to aid the kingdom - if he's not wallowing in self pity that is. Background: Ramius was untill recently - two years to be exact - the heir apparent to the throne. A botched alchemy experiment ruined that plan. His eyesight was damaged badly - rendering him more or less blind. He still does his best to give his sister good advice whenever it's needed. Place in Society: prince Other: Always has a walking stick with him, he has also learned to navigate the castle and it's immediate surroundings based on memory alone.