[b]Kirsten And Charles[/b] [b]The Mind Of Charles, the God of Magic Reaches Out To Kirsten. He couldn't help but feel as if she was encroaching in on an area to close to his place in the world. A magical wisp of miasma, a steam of heated air appeared before her. "Goddess of Death, Kirsten. That is your name. I have come with a deal for you. I could not help but notice that the a strange but very strong aura of yours is approaching somewhat uncomfortably close to one of my favorite "haunts". Charles winced at the pun. "I do not wish to come to blows, or interfere with your plans, yet I do believe we can help each other, both come out happy in the end, and both become better gods for it." The wisp of steam transformed into an Humanoid shape and stretched out it's hand as a gesture. "It might take a little more power than not to maintain the souls of so many walking dead. I can make more use of their souls. While I would be lying if I said I was okay with what you seem to be doing, spreading death in some manner, I can say that, should you provide me with the souls of the majority of your kills, I will reciprocate in beneficial form for you. I can grant you special services, if you would but agree to this deal."[/b]