So before I even attempt at what I believe will be one of the most awkward introductions ever, let me say that I really am looking forward to roleplaying with some of you. I was [s]lurking[/s] browsing around the forum and was quite impressed; there are a lot of talented writers here. ^.^ Now that I've stroked your egos, let me continue on with my introduction. XD I have a hideous first name but thankfully I have a cute enough nickname to suffice, which is Essa. I've been roleplaying for quite some time now...about six years to be exact. I love just about every genre that exists when it comes to roleplaying and I think that's because of my deep love for writing. My favorites are modern, medieval, and supernatural though. I'm generally a heavy writer and from what I've gathered from [s]lurking[/s] browsing around this forum, I'm thinking I'll be in the Advanced section the most - although I might start off in Casual just to get warmed up and what not. I'm a sucker for 1x1s too so be on the lookout for an interest thread from me soon; don't get me wrong though, I like group roleplays just as much. Let's just go with the assumption that I'll be ALL around this forum, ha ha. Anyway, I think I've babbled enough. Look forward to roleplaying with some of you soon!