Dorea Y'varti, Kali the Huntress, entered the warehouse. The former Asari commando was loaded for bear as the humans say, her armor and weapons were all clearly equipped. As her mentors had trained her she had thoroughly reconnoitered the area, one did not simply take chances especially when meeting a mystery client on Illium. Normally, Dorea would not have accepted this kind of offer but she had very little choice and the mystery client had been very generous. After decades of working in the Terminus, Kali knew that this situation could be a cover-up for any number of things. Perhaps another Vigilante gathering mercenaries in order to exact vengeance, or any other established Underworld figure who would do the same, perhaps they were to be press-ganged into bondage, and maybe an old enemy had come for her. That was unusual, for enemies had to be alive to plot revenge but it was possible. Any number of deceptions could have been at play. Even if the situation was a legitimate briefing, it could turn into a brawl depending on the professionalism of the other mercenaries. For her part, Kali would not incite any hostility and as such she kept her weapons (most of them) in plain view and assumed a cautious but non-threatening stance. She had seen someone else enter before her. Her long years of experience under the commandoes had allowed her to spot the other mercenary, no matter what fancy tricks he may have employed. She kept her hands away from her guns and blades but was ready to snap a biotic attack at the first sign of trouble. Kali called out, her voice ringing clearly in the small space, "Who's there? If it pleases you, I'd like you to come out from where you're hiding. This is a meeting, but I doubt the next mercenary wold take well to someone lying in ambush for them. I certainly won't."