The next shuttle came not from the planet's surface, but from another ship docked in the system. Rayvius had booked passage onboard the rogue trader ship [i]Joygirl's Lover[/i], an unusual method of travel for most space marines, even Deathwatch, but not for Kill-Marines. Rayvius had been apart from is fellow Astartes for the past 26 years, and hadn't even seen another Space Marine in the past 14. He was anxious to be in the presence of Battle Brothers again; it was something he was not totally accustomed to. However, what concerned him more was the kind of situation that would call him out of isolation. He had been tracking down a group of Eldar pirates in the system, hoping they would make the mistake of boarding his ship, but luck was not on his side and orders called him here, to the [i]Resolute Faith[/i]. His shuttle docked and he strode onboard the cutter, wearing a dark green bodyglove and a black tabard bearing the Insignia of the Deathwatch, and was greeted by the Captain of the ship. He nodded his head in polite salutation, "Greetings, Captain Faust. I trust I am on schedule?" Captain Faust nodded, a little taken aback by this killing-machine's manners. "I only have a single cargo module containing my personal effects. Could you please sign for it?" Captain Faust was fully flabbergasted: a Space Marine said [i]please[/i]. He signed and Rayvius thanked him and proceeded into the ship. Rayvius smiled. He had learned early that being polite could made things very easy, and put others off guard when it was an Astartes it was coming from.