"What part of 'There aren't alliances, there's no symbiosis, and there certainly isn't trash like peacekeeping missions.' did you not get? Honestly, the Magic ones are always the dense ones." Ellona shook her head with a sigh, turning back around to face the mass of immaterial smoke. "And if you want to 'tag team' me, fine, that's not prohibited by the rules directly so long as there's infighting and then the eventual betrayal, but as I doubt you want the latter to occur I'll have to put a stop to it. If you don't want to make an enemy out of me, check the state of the world to see if the condition for godly alliances is met. If you don't care, then best of luck. I'll erase you with pleasure." "I do hope that Death isn't enough of either a pacifist or a coward so as to go along with you, but it really doesn't matter to me."