(This takes place before Aki's Post.) “Not terribly big, but then it probably doesn't have to be.” Ray murmured to himself. [i]Okay, two sentries, both asleep, giving me the advantage, but if one wake up, its all over. Still very risky.[/i] He looked over their outfits and inwardly cringed. [i]I wouldn't be caught dead wearing one of those outfits. But I probably need them. Even if I take out those two silently, all it takes is a single guard inside to spot me and its all over.[/i] He selected the outfit of the larger one, deciding he'd rather have clothes that are too large than too small. Sneaking forward seemed like the most tense moment of his life. There was nothing to hide behind as he approached the gate, so he instead tried moving as slowly and as silently as possible. Once he got to the gate, he stood behind the guard whose clothing he meant to steal, raising his saber to his neck, and grasping the back of the blade to pull forward on his neck. He hesitated; the idea of murdering a man in his sleep seemed repulsive and unsporting. He quelled his reluctance by reminding himself of the stakes: either he dies unfairly or you die unfairly with all your friends, having broken your oath to protect the Captain. He steeled himself and did the deed, dragging the corpse around the corner of the prison. He reached out to remove the man's clothing, but realized the pirate clothes were more soaked in blood than his. Swearing silently, he searched for something to cover the body or someplace to hide it, but found nothing. He decided he had no choice but to take the other pirate's clothing and carry on; he cursed his lack of planning. The second pirate, the one with the keys, went down to a pistol whip. Ray cut the keys from his belt and set him upright in his chair. He spontaneously decided to leave the outfit on him, two missing gate guards or one naked one would be way too suspiscious. Hopefully, if a guard chanced by them, he would assume one guard had gone for a leak, and not look close enough to notice the trail of blood. [i]Dueling is simple. Dueling is honorable. Dueling is a controlled environment in which you either know all the variables beforehand or learn them quickly. [/i]This[i] is lunacy.[/i] Ray nervously peeked in the gate before opening it. He slipped in, closing the squeaky iron gates behind him. He quickly tiptoed through the courtyard, seeing the premise was all clear. It looked like the two gate guards were the only guards. He got to a prison cell nearest to the southwest staircase and started trying the keys. “Hey!” Ray jumped, dropping the keys. One of the prisoners in the darkened cell had noticed him. “What are you doing?” the prisoner. Ray grabbed the keys, “Getting you out of here.”