[b]"Those are your rules, you pedantic, long winded woman. I've had enough. You are a lunatic and I cannot allow you to threaten the lives of others. "Changmu, your assistance is most likely needed, we have a mad woman over here, and you may be needed to restrain her if there's hope in letting her survive her lunacy. As for you, dear girl," He turns to Kirsten, "I highly doubt that you know or entirely understand what you're doing. I would rather help you to become a more moral goddess of death, I think that's possible, killing others and enslaving them for fun is reprehensible but you certainly appear quite young. All of this power at your current stage of life, um unlife? Might need help for you to cope with."[/b] He turns his attention back towards the goddess of Order . [b]"Alright. . . I've had enough. Shut up about your inexperience as a goddess and face me, if you are so inclined. Wizards may be subtle, and quick to anger, but I was totally upright, and slow to anger. Nevertheless you were still quick to choose foolishness."[/b]