Name: Tipsy Joker Appearance: [img=] Race: Earth Pony Faction: The Cult of Laughter Skills: Tipsy used to be a Reveler for the cult of laughter, serving the Laughing Mare through combat. He has high willpower, as one would need to leave the Laughing Mare's reach and still retain some form of sanity. History: Born as an illegitimate child to a stallion, Tipsy was born and raised in Baltimare. It being a rebel city, however, it was quickly under siege by the forces of house Moon and Stars, all when Tipsy was a filly. He remembered the first time he had spilt blood. A slave warrior had stumbled upon him and then everything blacked out. When things had gone back to normal, a stallion was on the ground, cold. A filly was standing. This was noticed, however, by a mare in the Cult of Laughter. All he remembered was being told to smile, accept and fight for the Laughing Mare or die. As he grew up, his sanity had slowly deteriorated. The blackouts were more frequent. He still didn't want to work for the cult, but as he slowly got infected with insanity from being near mentally unstable cultists, he was slowly warming up to the idea. He did, however, find company in a single, lone friend. A unicorn by the name of Star Shine, a Jester of Baltimare. She was one of the rare few who were almost lucid. Though they worked in vastly different parts of the cult, they were still best friends. An assassination attempt gone wrong, however, led everyone to believe Star Shine was dead. Tipsy was shocked. However, upon hearing that they might be alive, Tipsy rushed at the opportunity. He had bailed on the Cult of Laughter. He was a deserter. They had tried to kill him, but with his years of combat experience, the few they sent were only an obstacle to find his lost best friend. Being called to Redheart's Ridge in promises of possibly finding Star Shine, he pursued the calling. This brings us to now. Other: Tipsy is highly unpredictable. Years at the cult lead to mental instability, being lucid one moment and absolutely berserk the next. He has no care in the world for right and wrong. I apologize if my CS sucks >.<