"Aria sent me. Get out of my way." "Who the hell is Aria? That name doesn't mean shit, bitch." Alexa scoffed. The Eclipse may preach intelligence and deception, but there were a few humans in the Eclipse that completely ruined that reputation. Alexa examined the three mercs that stood in front of her; two asari and the human male blocking her way. The asari had recognized Alexa's name drop; they began stepping back and walking away. They nudged the human, motioning to leave. The human laughed at them. "What, I'm supposed to accept this crap name drop? Please. Five hundred credits or you're not getting into the warehouses," the merc spat at Alexa. His hand moved towards his pistol slowly, in a clear but subtle threat. "I'm tired of this. Ladies, if you please. Aria is grateful," Alexa motioned at the two asari mercs. They each grabbed the human by the shoulder, dragging him out of her way. Being Aria's tool, weapon, and plaything could be a drag, but it had its perks. Like this, for example. Alexa smiled sardonically at the Eclipse mercs. "Thank you, ladies. I'll see you around." Alexa entered the warehouse complex. Within minutes, she had navigated her way to the warehouse she was looking for: warehouse 3-12. She pulled up the schematics of the warehouse on her omni-tool. Alexa had Aria's people scout the whole area electronically. It saved Alexa time and effort that she didn't really feel like putting in. Everything looked normal, but Alexa could clearly hear voices coming from inside the warehouse. [i]I didn't know this was going to be a party,[/i] Alexa thought, charging up a singularity field in her left hand while gripping her Locust in her right. Just in case. She stepped quietly into the warehouse. Alexa scowled; from what she heard from the conversation, this wasn't a typical hit she had been hired for. This really was some sort of team job. She opened her mouth to speak, when a resounding voice pounded in her head, [i]Remember why I'm sending you.[/i] Dammit, Aria. Alexa could be a galaxy away from the woman and her voice would be forever imprinted in Alexa's mind. The flashbacks and memories never ended. "Here I thought Aria was sending me for another easy job. Instead I get to play nice with you two. I'm Alexa." She let go of her Locust, but kept her singularity charged.