[b] [u] Alika [/u] [/b] The Knight Alika had aided seemed to have beaten back the mage, and while outnumbered she was confident he could deal with the rest of the barbarians on his own. Now to assist the others. She was wary of using her staves too much, both because they didn't have enough power to just cast willy-nilly and because the glowing light was bound to give away her position eventually. So she mostly took to healing defenders with her physic staff, to the surprise of several bandits who had hacked a man's limb halfway off only to have it knit itself back together. She didn't have the greatest hearing in the world, but it soon became plain that they were taking hostages now. In particular, the largest bandit had taken a woman and her child. She'd been taken prisoner before, and she was not about to let it happen to anyone else. She quickly swapped to her rescue staff, and was grateful for the fact that the two were holding eachother so close. With a bright flash of light, the two were beamed to her rooftop. Obviously, the fact that they had been blinked to a different place did little to ease their fears. [b]"Hey, hey. Calm down, you're safe here. I won't let the bandits get you."[/b] She reassured. They were still utterly terrified, but they weren't freaking out. However, Alika knew that it wouldn't be safe for long, what with all the bright lights from her casting.