Kali arched an eyebrow as the Human came around the corner, Humans were an interesting bunch to say the least. So little time among Galactic society and already they had amassed so much power. The same went for the Underworld. They fascinated her, how much they lived in so short a time. Kali hoped this male would prove to be interesting, mediocrity is a terrible state. Kali smiled and said, "It would appear so." It seemed this human was making an effort to conceal his identity whereas Kali made no such concession, that could any number of things but that was something to be dissected later. She smiled, her red lips parting in genuine amusement, "It used to be part of my job human. A job I mastered long before you were born. It's no mystery at all." The Asari Huntress heard a woman's voice and turned her head slightly, stepping back so that she could see the new arrival while keeping the man in view. The woman had a singularity charged, and Kali let her arms fall to where she kept a few of her hidden blades. She did not tense up in anticipation but she was ready all the same to biotically charge the woman and lay into her if it came to that. Her introduction piqued Kali's interest. Kali smiled again and her eyes gleamed, "Ah. I've heard of you, the human known as Aria's Fist. You have an excellent reputation Alexa, they say you were as good as I was when I served Aria." Her smile turned mischievous, "I am Dorea Y'varti. But the galaxy at large knows me as Kali. It is my pleasure." If one of Aria's top enforcers was involved this job might prove to be very interesting indeed,