Murrue saluted to Terra as she ran by, “Ah greetings Private. It’s always good to… Oh.” She noticed the pilot running up to Athrun and Cagalli nearby as she embraced them. “I suppose she’s Terra then.” Murrue observed before she made her way back to leading Terminus crew. Sousuke was still running through the streets of the colony as though he had just won a race and continued to observe behind him. He looked back ahead proclaiming, “Haha! Not a soldier in sight! No way am I going to be late! Ah!” It was in that moment he realized a girl in an AERO uniform looking inhis location and quickly ran into a nearby alley. He hid for a few moments before he turned around to notice she was leaving ahead of him. “Whew. Close one.” Sousuke said before he continued running. It was just a block before he managed to reach towards the nearest fence and back on his course proclaiming, “Today is going to be an awesome time!” In the back of a local dance club there was a group of teenagers with music equipment being adjusted. One of them asked, “Are we still on in the next few? We’ve basically got everyone here.” “Not everyone. My Sousuke hasn’t given the call yet!” The commanding voice belonged to a Chinese woman of the same age. Another one of the teens tried to convince, “Mei he’s just one guy. It’s not like the performance is going to go completely wrong without him.” The girl known as Mei shook her head when she reminded, “Yes it will. You know how intimate my dance number is.” “Can’t you get someone else to do it then?” “No one’s allowed to touch me but my Sousuke! That’s how the rules work here!” “Sounds like duty calls.” Out from behind them Sousuke appeared on the scene greeting himself. “Eep!” Mei rushed up to him and embraced him proclaiming, “My Sousuke!” Sousuke gave her a small kiss when he greeted, “How’s it going Mei? Sorry I couldn’t call. They don’t let cellphones off in docking.” One of the teens was concerned when he asked, “Jee really? Your dad has you trying to actually act like a soldier now?” The teen waiting near the backdoor agreed, “Yeah, he’s got an old man alright. Must think Sousuke’s the result of a breeding program.” Sousuke gave them his plans when he told them, “Hey even if I was you really think I’m going to pass on the chance to be with the girl I’m gonna run away with?” Mei agreed as she dreamily said, “We’ll both be cosmic troubadours. The worries of the human race won’t even matter anymore.” The teen trying to dissuade Mei’s commitment observed, “Wow he is the only one allowed to get that close to her.” He spoke to Sousuke warning, “Sousuke you better make sure you old man never hears about this. If he does we’re all going to get enlisted.” Sousuke agreed, “Not gonna happen anytime soon Trip. I say we just get our big show ready.” One of the other teens carrying the stereos agreed, “See he knows what we’re looking forward to. Let’s head in and offer our ballad.” “Finally!” Mei threw herself into Sousuke’s arms when she commanded, “To the stage my Sousuke.” Sousuke didn’t offer any protest when he agreed, “Anything for you my lady.” Kira, Athrun, and Murrue all observed the final preparations of the Archangel when an Alliance officer stepped into the command center pointing out, “Pardon my intrusion Commander but it seems like we’re short of men for the ceremony.” Kira turned to the officer when he answered, “I gave pilot Asterius Zala some shore leave for the moment. Don’t worry about her not being present.” “I’m afraid she’s not the only one sir…” Kira turned and sighed when he realized, “… I should have known.” Kira left Athrun and Murrue in the command center when he began to make his way back to his crewman standing at attention. He saw Terzo nearby when he asked, “Lieutenant, have you seen Sousuke Yamato run off anywhere?” Terzo saluted when he answered, “He said he needed to return to the Terminus for his insignias sir.” “Not again…” Kira cursed the situation. It was the first time Sousuke would use it on his Lieutenant Commander but it would for certain be the last. He gestured to Terzo’s original position when he commanded, “It’s not your fault Lieutenant. Please remain here.” As Murrue walked out to view the ranks Terzo stood at attention cursing, “I guess I was supposed to guess that the Commander’s kid wanted to wander off like that.” “I’m sure anyone who hasn’t been in the military long enough will feel that way Terzo.” He turned to his adoptive mother thanking, “Yes sir.” Kira found one of the nearby crewman standing at attention when he ordered, “Ensign Bitalech. Please find this signal and bring Sousuke back here.” He said handing the an electronic pad to her. The single blinking dot signaling where Sousuke would be within the colony.” The ensign took the pad and agreed in salute, “Yes sir. I will find the signal.” She ran off with the same speed Sousuke had earlier as she began her search. “This won’t interfere with the ceremony will it?” Murrue asked pointing to the three empty areas in Kira’s ranks. Kira shook his head when he answered, “Hopefully not. If we’re lucky the media will be too focused on the ship to notice.” Murrue began to take out her speech cards when she agreed, “That’s good to know. I’ll have to start soon. I might have a few stories to tell that will buy some time at least.” Kira let some of his stress free when he thanked, “That would be more than I owe you Admiral.” Murrue smiled when she promised, “Think nothing of it.” She turned and began to make her way towards the front of the Archangel as the ceremony began.