I am so glad you finally asked me that. *cracks knuckles with an evil grin* ;) In all seriousness though, there are a few aspects of the character that are a bit unfair that I've been wanting to address for a while, but I would have felt weird doing it without you asking me to, since this is your fight. Before I get started though, I should caution you against criticizing other people's spelling or grammar. You used the wrong version of faint in your distinctive features section. ;) Faint (the word you wanted) means small or difficult to see, while feint (the word you used) is a term for a false attack. Now that that's out of the way, I think the new additions are all fine, but there could be some issues with your first-edition powers. Most notably the teleporting. If it can be done every post with no cooldown, then he can avoid any and every attack thrown at him and become completely untouchable. Unless there's some detrimental effect to using it (like a charge up time, a cooldown time, or something about the teleport process itself that makes him vulnerable either before or after), it's a skeleton key for escaping any and all otherwise inescapable situations, and doesn't require any actual skill to avoid attacks. The ability to turn into shadow mist has the same issue, though not quite to the extent that teleporting does. The second issue is with his possessed form, which if used in this fight would put him way above the rest of us. It's a great ability for a higher tier fight, but would be very OP if used in this one. To be clear though, I'm not recommending you remove the ability, just that you avoid using it in this particular battle. And the third is just a reminder that shadow powers should be weak to light-creating powers. They don't have to be totally useless against them, but a really bright attack should logically cause more damage to a shadow construct than a normal attack. I just didn't see anything in the CS about how/if light affects the shadow powers, so I thought it would be worth mentioning.