The remaining Actualizer observed the inner activities of the colony and recognized the old space ship was now being revealed for display. He observed the Archangel’s signature rising when he announced, “Target in sight. We’re picking up on the signature alright.” Tadgh gave a relieved growl when he proclaimed, “About time. Now this colony gets to see the full extent of what three of us can offer.” Eleanor reminded them of the primary order, “Don’t destroy any structures we can’t use for ourselves. We’ll be able to establish our own sector of Generics out here. Kill everything else.” The three Actualizer mobile suits began to dash their way forward when Tadgh warned, “No need to tell me twice.” The three flesh laden mobile suits moved in and activated their long range weaponry. The power of the shots met towards the ventilation shafts of the colony and the way in had been forced open. The mobile suits dash through the opening into the colony and avoided being snapped by the emergency shutters. The colony still had an atmosphere but the three primary threats were still managing to make their way through. It took a few swipes of Tadgh’s blade before the final preparations were made and the Actualizer mobile suits were about to make their mark on the unsuspecting colony. The first Actualizer mobile suit launched up with a spear in hand scraping along the streets when he observed, “Our mission’s as easy as ever it seems.” Tadgh rose up from the ground when his mobile suit flung its massive blade around agreeing, “Hehe! Finally a chance to see these creatures crawl!” Eleanor’s mobile suit was the final to rise when she announced, “Now we begin the real assault. Actualize!” With those words the flesh in the cockpit surrounded her right arm and began a pulse through the mobile suit. Her mobile suit began to fire its gun on the nearest buildings and unleashed the blobs of flesh upon them. There wasn’t any destruction at first but the blobs formed around the buildings and began to crush and assemble the building pieces into humanoid forms. It was a few moments later before the feared soldiers known as Generics formed upon the grounds of the colony. Eleanor gave the command, “Go forward! Don’t let any of the enemy defenses be activated!” With that command the Generics began to make their way across the defense areas of the colony. Eleanor repeated the process again when she made her way to the nearest group of buildings and in the next few moments the Generics were built out of the civilian buildings. “They couldn’t have even hoped to prepare for us. Both of you stay behind me and make sure the enemy doesn’t try to catch us from behind.” Eleanor ordered to her fellow pilots. She turned her focus back to the attracting ship when she ordered, “Let’s move in and take out or primary target.” The final order was given and the enemy units were making their way towards the Archangel with the Generics forming a perimeter around their mastering mobile suits.