Levi was standing in the secret room in the back of his apartment. On the floor was deep etching into the hardwood flooring. Levi had spent a while slowly carving it into the wood, he owned the building out right, and the etching would help not only allow him to summon a servant but hide and protect his home. [img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn46/ukarias/ouroboros-tribal-dragon-tattoo-design_zpsd48f4dc3.jpg[/img] He was ready, he sighed to himself as he pulled out two bottles out of a bag, the first a large bottle of Evian water, the second a small glass vial. Leviticus Masters IX was no ordinary magus, he has existed in Tandem with his brother for nigh on 1000years, that was their curse and their magic, they would reincarnate and slowly gain access to the memories and magecraft of their past lives but only when the previous incarnation of said brother died. That was their curse and boon as Ouroboros, he could activate magic within all things that subscribed to the eternal cycle of order, or of returning to the mean. Levi opened the bottle of Evian and started to pour the water into the grooves, it filled up the circle pretty fast and then he slowly placed his hand infront of the circle and sent out a pulse of prana, casuing it ripple. Stage one was complete. Levi stood up and let out a long breath. And raised the small vial, slowly uncorking it, it was old from a previous generation. Not from his time, either this incarnation or the last, but from his brother. "I call upon the eternal cycle, of life and of death and I offer you the tears off one removed yet entwined within it's grasp. Ouroboros." He poured the tears onto the circle and the water rippled as the tears reverberated throughout the markings and flared into life. "I am the Avatar of mine self over and over, I offer you my blood. Water of life and of death." Levi removed a small knife from his pocket and made a small slice on his palm, slowly allowing the blood to dribble onto the circle, it flared again. "Heavenly fathers and earthly mothers, born of Akasha, grown in the hearts of men and beasts. I summon thee, heed my call! Beast onto master, master onto beast. Received in this mortal coil, existing as more without. I am the order and the chaos, I lean towards the centre yet circle its core. If you can hear my call, and wish to champion at my behest. A champion of truth and morality. Come forward from the circle of restraint into one of embrace. Break free from the coils of archival constraints, Step forward into modernity and clasp my hand. You and I, Tears of my brother. Thee and me. Blood of my heart. Form this covenant sealed in water and in blood. Take shape and incarnate. Take my hand and come forth!" Levi thrust his hand into the centre of the circle, and like a hand breaking through the surface of the water, it plunged deep into the circle. The water was boiling in it's grooves, steam was rising up and light was breaking through, as if it was trying to get through the water. Levi had it in his grasp, he forced all his strength, his willpower and his prana into this one action and he pulled up. There was a loud crack and water and steam filled the room alongside light from all over not just the circle. When the steamy mist settled Levi looked at his burn hand, it was red but redness would vanish soon. He looked up and standing on the now solid ground infront of him was a man, he was crouched on the ground and he was wet. He held a bow in his hand and he looked up and stared into Levi's eyes. Leviticus matched his stare. "Archer..." The crouched servant looked like he was about to say something but he solemnly nodded. "Well we are running late, I suppose I should take you to the church for an introduction." Levi stepped back and slumped on the floor. "But first lets have a small rest shall we?" And then his eyes rolled back into his head and there was darkness.