Takeshi rolled his eyes, amazed Shu actually thought he had been serious. Anything that wasn't remotely smart was food, if it talked then that pretty much meant it was off limits. It was different, eating animals, since they were all on instinct and didn't really get to you when you killed them. It hadn't always been as easy to hunt, Takeshi reflected, getting lost in a memory there for a second. Shaking his head he smiled at his brother, relieving an itch on his cheek lazily. "Eh... I could listen to them. If any of what they said made a darn ounce of sense," he remarked, frowning. "Seasonings and temperatures, buoyancy and tenderness, eh, it's all confusing. I just cook meat til its cooked and eat it, how much more complicated does it need to be than that?" They weren't cooking for a king after all, and neither were the twins or their father, not anymore. It just seemed superfluous to put in all that effort. Then again, the food their friends made was pretty tasty, so it was hard to hate it. Something else they did however was much easier to dislike. "I don't like Choi being with Yumi..." Takeshi mumbled, "She's always with him now, and he makes her all... Goofy. It's annoying." They were both happy, so he should be happy for them, but he couldn't be. It was hard to be glad for your friends when they seemed to ignore you in favor of one another. In spite of clearly agitating Viral all Vegeta could do was smile and joke around. He rarely ever got to enjoy himself like this, and really while it might be inconvenient for Viral his situation really wasn't that bad. "Okay, eat my limbs, and enjoy trying to help yourself," he retorted, shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose since I'm, in a way your master that means you'll have to take care of me as well. I hope you enjoy pushing a wheel chair about." Chuckling under his breath he shook his head, dismissing the notion completely. They had a fair bit of work ahead of them, and if this was already too much for Viral then he was going to be one miserable man before this was over. As a courtesy Vegeta would tone it back a little, after all he was just enjoying the moment, and their first success. "I will not stab you in the head, how would that solve anything?" he asked, sighing as he placed a hand on his face. "Look at yourself, you're doing something you couldn't only a week ago. Be happy about that, you achieved a big milestone. Sure, we've far from perfected things, but what we did today is leagues above how you were before." And they could only improve from here on out, it was doubtful Viral would regress at this point. They could hopefully get this form settled in no time and move onto the next, whichever that might be. Haku felt a little conflicted, not sure if he ought to remain with T'charrl or go. While the alien's well being wasn't really his concern he was worried that, if left alone, the Kaesstrian might try something. And should anything bad happen he'd be to blame, being the last one with the alien. Seeing T'charrl lying there and staying pretty calm he made the decision to go, he'd only be in the way otherwise. Now that he was left alone again Haku was faced with the familiar dilemma of having no clue where to go exactly. He supposed to his room, though he didn't feel near tired enough. The smell of food from before made him a bit hungry, even if it had been raw, so perhaps a meal would be a good idea. Hm... Was the other way quicker to the mess hall? The only way to find out would be to go, so he made the decision and started walking alone in solitary silence. The Princes had been getting food ready there when he'd last seen them, hopefully they were gone by the time he showed up. While he couldn't exactly cook Haku figured there would be something he could eat, even if it was just a snack. Earth had some interesting foods, he wouldn't mind finding a few of them onboard right about now.