[center]Unknown Male Grand Hall[/center] Jade hues lit up instantly after hearing the thick accent of Neo Russian. However, arms tightly folded in disappointment as he did not expect to be greeted so harshly, especially when low growls of an angry mutt were directed at him for no reason. [b]“Not so trusting? Well, we seem to have that in common.”[/b] A light sneer was given at the creature who so very badly wished to rip his face off. By this time a gentleman donning red had found his way to aid the not so helpless dragon tamer. This greatly irked the man in green and he could not help but scoff in distaste before managing an un-pleased grin. [b]“Now now, there’s no need for an ambush. I am not so daft as to overlook a hint. The lady made it perfectly clear that I am not welcomed here.”[/b] Although smiling he threw the most threatening of glances at the male who had interrupted them. [b]“Excuse me for being blunt but it is not wise to approach me that way, freshmen."[/b] A subtle warning through semi gritted teeth was given as he viciously stared down the gent. A polite voice from another newcomer delayed any further words but the unknown upperclassmen in tousled brunette tresses was either so wrapped up in making a point that he refused to falter, or simply did not hear her. His athletic form remaining stark. This situation was made all too apparent that something awful was going to transpire within seconds. This is precisely when one last person decided to stop the ruckus. Out of the blue the admissions student in black lace appeared behind the impervious hellion. --- [center]Lumen Vale & Unknown Male Grand Hall[/center] [b]“I think that will be enough from you tonight.”[/b] Lumen tactfully interrupted and swiftly tapped the drunkard on the shoulder before the man could inflict one of his abilities on Jason. Through a special means she knew exactly what this disguised mans intentions were at that moment, and it was not good in the least. He knew exactly who had come to intervene and cast a suspicious glance across the room as if waiting for a command from someone. His lean body visibly relaxing as if following an order not to continue. Turning to face the sightless second in command he cocked his head to the side and smugly half smiled. [b]“Lucky for you, it seems as if I am needed elsewhere. Goodbye Miss Vale.”[/b] His attention then turned back to the woman holding a steady lease. [b]“Please, forgive my drunken behavior as it will not happen again. Ya ne imel v vidu nichego plokhogo.”[/b] He said genuinely to the fiery haired woman and then politely bowed while wearing a crooked grin. His emerald form strolled out assuredly almost as if the intoxication had been an act all this time. Lumen continued to watch the mistrustful man make his leave with cautious eyes before speaking to the group. She knew that would not be the last time running into him. [b]“I apologize. There are many upperclassmen who continue to crash this gathering in hopes of evading capture. This happens every year and their manners continue to dwindle.”[/b] She tried to reassure though her tone remained quite stern. [b]“My name is Lumen Vale. I am the one who placed a letter on your nightstands. If there is anything you need do not hesitate to ask.”[/b] Clearly, socializing with students did not seem a particular skill of the formal woman who knew this fact all too well. She tried to make light conversation even though her attempt may seem forced. [b]“Excluding the mishap I do hope you are all enjoying your time here so far…Dinner will be served shortly.”[/b] The ornately dressed Junior remained calm but seemed extremely tense. Granite tinged eyes managed to scan over the scenery every so often as if looking for someone in particular, although the nuisance had already left. --- [Center]Scarlet Wraith Grand Hall[/center] Scarlet managed to find a place to lay low for a while in the form of a table where a poor lad seemed to be indisposed. After being stared down from Lumen she figured heading for the exit would bring about too much attention. There were many tables outlining the golden walls but the one closet to her held a fellow resting his head in defeat it seemed. She took it upon herself to ask permission in a sense before just plopping down beside him. Hopefully not startling his nap or whatever it was he was doing, she cleared her throat and began speaking. [b]“Excuse me Sir. Hope that it’s alright that I sit here for a bit.”[/b] Gingerly a voice questioned while pulling a chair out to sit down. The angelic woman sighed as if depressed and placed both hands on her lap gracefully. [b]“Do you ever feel like you don’t belong?”[/b] She could be heard speaking almost to herself but quickly shook her head and smiled warmly. [b]“Sorry, never mind. That’s a silly question huh? I am sure you have numerous friends.”[/b] --- [Center]Faust Outside Male Dorms[/center] The mischievous man chuckled to himself while blithely descending down steps to a grimly illuminated outside realm. Frowning a bit after finding his flask to be empty, he carelessly chucked the container to the side while heading to the Tordred Maze. Happening upon a man with a ruby tie, Faust could not help but intrude. Deciding to change direction a bit he inched closer to the man while extending a hand with a pack of cigarettes. There were many names one could call the devilish pupil but selfish was not one of them. His wrist waved slightly letting the stranger know he was offering up one. [b]“Hey, you look like you’re getting ready to head to the masquerade.”[/b] Regardless if the drifter took one or not Faust placed one cigarette into his own mouth, and ignited the end with an engraved lighter. Amass of white smoke swirled into the chilly atmosphere as he exhaled and flipped the lighter closed, placing the item back into his pocket along with his hand. [b]“Sure, being surrounded my anonymity can be lucrative…if that’s your type of thing. I much prefer what happens outside while everyone is busy inside.”[/b] He walked to the student and took off his mask placing the piece in his back pocket. Chiseled face looking to be about twenty-ish but certainly no younger than that. [b]“Name’s Faust and this season is the best time to head into the maze. Friends and I go in there all the time to hang out. Smoking and alcohol is prohibited on school ground but Lumen won’t set foot in here. So no one will know. Up to you though.”[/b] He shrugged lean shoulders while taking another puff. [b]“You don’t look the type to enjoy foolish dances anyway.”[/b] He snickered before gradually heading in the direction of a fog covered forest, peering back to see if the newcomer would follow.