[hider=OOC] Ahh, I see. My friends managed to get me really into Sherlock but they've yet to convince me on Doctor Who. [/hider] "Well, I like to think I'm a pretty good person, better than most people, anyway. If I ever do anything bad, it's only what needs to be done to survive. There aren't many good people out there, maybe that's it?" She stopped rocking on her feet and turned to face him. A smile spread across her face. "Or maybe it's just my girlish charm, who knows." At the mention of food, she looked ecstatic. Girlish charm was fairly far off, she knew being ladylike had been long lost but whatever it had once been she was most likely far from. It took her a moment to sink in his offer for a meal and she was reminded, once again, how socially deprived he was. Ren tried to hold back laughter, seeing as he'd just offered her a meal and it probably was rude to laugh, but she couldn't quite help it. She didn't get close to people herself, but it was a part of her job to talk to even the most annoying people, so she knew how to handle them, but Tom...he was definitely something else. An oddball. "You should go out more, talk to people." "But yes, if you have food, that's the polite thing to do," She took a deep breath to calm herself before gesturing to the Ancient Tech in front of her. "I'll have to pass on the fancy gizmos, I don't think I'd make as good use of them as you would, but I couldn't say no to a free meal!"